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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Our Good God

-----------Daniel was in the lion's den..put by jealous people.
Huge gallows were being built for Mordecai by Haman.
Joseph was in the pit and prison for no reason.
Christ was put to great shame ...that too for no reason...

The Evil devil puts you in different places to Kill you,to make an end to your hopes n future,but we have a good God who knows what to do with His anointed in those times.

The devil's plans stop with the man of God in the Den,but God goes beyond that to send an angel to shut the mouth of the LION.The evil devil thought and laughed seeing the gallows for mordecai,but the Good God had an esther in the palace.
Enemy thought Joseph is over with the prison,but God knew it was just a beginning,as He gave Joseph divine gift to interpret vision.Cross was not the end of Christ...there was a third day of God's power.

Child of put it short..We have a good God who knows what to do wherever you are!!!!!

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