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Friday, January 27, 2006

Blessings to the Blessed Lord!!!!

Jacob ran away from His Home,reason His dad blessed Him.Strange isnt it??Immediately after a blessing you run away from home fearing your own brother...Life seeming so insecure moments after Getting blessed.Jacob ran for his life..He was all alone now.Blessings led Jacob to face loneliness,fear,insecurity and what else.

He came to a place called LUZ.Bcoz the sun had set,He found no other way,rather than to take a stone from that place and make it as a pillow.Stone Pillow!!That midst of all those ,his inward eyes were opned...He saw Heavens opened and heard the voice of the God of His fathers.CHILD OF GOD this is what blessings will lead you to...This is the ultimate destination.
Life will not end in loneliness and fear,life will not end the same way we are in...The ultimate destination where blessings will take you to is to the presence of the Almighty....
There you receive promises from god..there you find purpose for your life..there you find peace in midst of storms...The stone Pillow you will turn it to be a pillar..
Blessings shud lead you to the blessed....No where else!!One question..where have your jobs,money,health...salvation..led you to...
May The blessings we have lead us to the blessed Lord.

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