God expects us to grow in His knowledge and also growing up in maturity of who you are and how you take charge over situations. This month God reminds us to take authority. The key verse is Matthew 28:18 "All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given unto me". The most familiar response when faced with a problem is, crying to Him and calling on His blessed name. The bible teaches us that God expects us to come out of that level into an authoritative level of growth. Let me explain that to you by these instances
1. Israelites in front of the
large Egyptian army chasing them. They cried out to the Lord. Moses then gave a word of promise to them.
Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.” Exodus 14:13 The next verse we read about Moses turning on to the Lord. He said words of encouragement to the people, but deep inside he was crying out to the LORD.
And the Lord said ”WHY DO YOU CRY UNTO ME, ASK THE ISRAELITES TO MOVE FORWARD, Stretch your rod over the sea”.
Exodus 14:15 God expected Moses to take control and move forward. He wanted Moses to take charge by stretching the rod rather than crying with unbelief.
2. The wedding at
invited for the wedding. Mary, the mother of Jesus, knew this and told this to the Lord. The Lord said” Woman, why do you involve me?” John 2:4. He just meant that, as long as He was there, there was no need of panicking and commotion, which appears to be the usual resort. In fact the Lord wanted Mary to understand that as far as the Lord was there, there is no need for a panic and He can do things without you crying to Him. In other words, He will be pleased if you are still and smiling and at peace because of your knowledge of the Lord, who is in control.
3. The disciples encountered a storm in the sea. It was the Lord Jesus who
initiated this journey telling,” Let us go to the other side”, but suddenly there arose a storm and there was panic all around, but the Lord was sleeping. The disciples cried and called on the Lord telling, ”Master don’t you care that we perish?” Mark 4:38. It was like a 21-day fasting prayer we have in response to something bad that has happened. By this mail am not telling anything against fasting. Lets cultivate that attitude of trust. The Master awoke and asked them” Where is your faith??”
When adverse situations strike us, the Lord expects a response of quietness, calmness, trust and faith. He doesn’t want you to take a step backward but He wants to you to stretch that rod in your hand, yes, its there in your hand. He has equipped you. He has opened your eyes to see the exceeding power of His might, working on your behalf. Hallelujah!!! What do you think?
Will the Lord remain silent when the Egyptians pursue you? Will the Lord remain silent when there is a shortage in your life? Will the Lord cause you to perish in a journey He has started!!! NO, NO NO! HE will never ever fail you. He just wants you to be so mature enough to understand that HE IS IN CONTROL, HE WILL FIGHT, HE WILL LEAD AND HE WILL PROVIDE. Yes His presence should dispel our fears and give us peace!!
This month lets grow in Him and respond to the situations we come across in Life with confidence and peace. Remember He has equipped you. You got the power and the authority. Grow in fellowship with Him, talk to Him, and walk with Him. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight!!
Lets pray
Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this month of February you have granted unto us in thy mercy. We invite you Lord into our lives, marriages, homes and hearts and jobs. Master when thou art there, we needn’t be terrified or worried, we needn’t be perplexed. Lord, help us to understand the power we have, the power to bind the forces of the evil devil and his kingdom, the power of using thy Holy and powerful name, the power to trample upon snakes and scorpions and upon all powers of the evil one, the power to pray and take victory, peace to remain calm and your presence that takes over our life! Lord we speak healing and deliverance to those in bondage, release all who are in fear and in confusion. Set thy children free O God. Help us to grow in thee. We pray for our land, our government, our offices, colleagues and workplaces. We pray for our parents and loved ones. Grant them long life and keep them safe and happy. Be more close to us, so close like never before. We love you and give you our praise, for we know you have answered our prayers, because you hear it when we pray in Jesus’ mighty name
Thanks and With Best Regards,
Ashley Benjamin
Infosys Technologies,CP Building