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Friday, June 20, 2008

Ashes Capsule-Mat5:6

Math 5:6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
      for they will be filled


Thought 1:In this world of” Survival of the fittest “competetion and selfishness,righteousness seems to be a forgotten word. Righteousness is the state of being RIGHT with God,walking uprightly and with a good conscience which is reflected by your deeds.

Isaiah says ”all our righteous acts are like filthy rags”.The Scripture talks about many righteous people.God looks for righteous people.Being Righteous is not being religious.

The Master in the sermon on the mount says,Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,who wont compromise on being unrighteous but will go to any extent even to sacrifice many things to be righteous,to live a righteous life.


Thought 2:The reward is satisfaction.They Will be filled said the Lord.A satisfaction beyond measure.Many a times we feel that we cannot make it.Cheer up christian traveler.The Bible says the Lord Jesus became our righteousness as He hung on that cross and rose again.When you long for righteousness,you long for the Lord.You long for Him in your walking,sleeping,daily living.When we long for Him,His righteousness become ours and we will be filled with the presence of the Lord.




1)Have you ever thought about what being righteous is?How much God values righteousness

2)Have you ever realized that the greatest inheritance you can leave for your children is living a righteous life and devil is constantly working for you to become unrighteous



1)Learn from the bible whose lives are termed as “righteous”

2)Memorize the following verse

Psalm 37:25 I was young and now I am old,
       yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken
       or their children begging bread


Thanks and With Best Regards

Ashley Benjamin

Infosys Technologies,




Thursday, June 05, 2008



The month of May saw great calamities and inhuman activities around us. An earthquake in China buried thousands of innocent children, the Nargis

Wiping out around 2 lakh in Myanmar, the Arushi murder in Noida,the brutal murder of a leading producer by a passionate young man, the jaipur blasts. These are just some of the news which made headlines. Child of God am writing this to tell you that ,the world is becoming dangerous and more evil, times are just getting worse but the good news is our Lord’s coming is so so near!!Hallelujah.


Pray Until Something Happens(P.U.S.H) is a well known acronym which we seldom practice;-)We all pray,but praying aiming at an issue and persisting it till we get,yes we need to wrestle in prayer.Let me take you through the 1 Samuel 1,2 where we see a great example of P.U.S.H


1)In P.U.S.H  pattern your body,soul and mind are involved….Many of us pray as routine,which may involve some lip movement,sometimes we pray very casually when nothing is involved,P.U.S.H characterizes your whole being involved.

See this chapter v10


In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the LORD. 11 And she made a vow, saying, "O LORD Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant's misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the LORD for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head."

12 As she kept on praying to the LORD, Eli observed her mouth. 13 Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard

15 "Not so, my lord," Hannah replied, "I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the LORD


What an example of prayer.Her body was involved when her tear glands secreted the tears.We see she wept much.Weeping for a purpose,weeping so much for an answer from God,for the family to be saved,for the disease to be healed.for our nation.I wish I could preach this directly..Weeping much in God’s presence


Her heart was involved when we see that she made a vow.Prayer with vow works out many a time.You tell the Lord what will you do with the blessing He gives you.Vows made from the heart in prayer can produce great v13 we read,Hannah was praying in her heart!!Hallelujah..Pray in your heart…let your heart be a place where you consecrate the Lord your God,may it be the place where unwanted lustful relationships be wiped off and God taking His place.May all hurts go,but Let His presence dwell.The answer you need from desperately must first be formed in your heart!!Hallelujah


Her soul was involved,we read in v 15 I was pouring out my soul to the Lord.Child of God,pour out your soul.Pray until something happens.Do not give up till souls are saved,do not give up till God removes that unwanted addiction from your life.Do not give …Pray until something happens.




Another characteristic of P.U.S.H pattern is after you pray a change happens inside of you that it will be reflected on your face,Hallelujah.See v18 and we read that Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast.


Child of God may this pattern of prayer be our aim this month.Let your body,soul and heart get involved together in prayer.Expect great things from God.Attempt great things for God.


Father,we pray for thy blessing on us this month.We pray that there will be a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives.We need you so so much o Lord.Come sweep our lives and homes with your presence.Let the Liberating nature of the Spirit be at work in our lives.We pray for souls,that many will be added to the church.We ask you for this nation,we ask you for our family..Have your way.We open our hearts and hands to you.Heal every soul and body and mind.Restore all that thy children lost.Make new ways and open closed doors.Help us live every hour by your power,in holiness,righteousness and integrity.

We love you.This we pray in Jesus Mighty name



Have a blessed month ahead





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