Psalm 118:17I will not die but live,
and will proclaim what the LORD has done.
These are the days of pink slips,debts on the rise,Shattered dreams,broken hearts and people feel all is lost.For a child of God we need to understand and confess the goodness of the Lord.This month the Lord inspired me to tell all God’s people to make confessions of your faith.Your tongue can determine your destiny.So don’t think about giving up,I follow a God who is the Hope of glory.He is my hope hallelujah.
The word of God says that we are called to live and not die.God promises us life in abundance .
Let me share with you 3 vital life providers
Matthew 4:4
Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
We should understand that its not the calories that we get from bread or the meat that you eat that you live.Of course it helps,but I believe If God tells”Let Ashley Live” I shall live.Provision,protection will come as a package.My Life is not determined by the job I do,its by the word of God.Hallelujah.The centurion whom the Lord commented for his great faith said”One word from you can heal my servant”He compared the power of His words to that of the Lord.If I say comes.if I say Go,one goes…Similarly Lord if you say Let me live,I shall live
2)The Faith in God
Hab 2:4
“but the righteous will live by his faith”
Without Faith in God ,we cannot live.A double minded person is unstable in all His ways.A doubting person cannot get anything from God.
When the disciples were facing a life threatening storm,the Lord looked at them and asked”where is your faith”.God looks at your faith.The amount of faith you have shows the maturity you have in God.
The faith you have signifies the belief you have in His power
Lets remind ourselves that without faith its impossible to please God.Its by faith men of the old were approved by God
3)The Spirit of God(Eze 47:9)
So where the river flows everything will live
The Holy Spirit is referred in the Bible many a times as a river , as a stream that flows from God.
Where the Spirit flows , there everything will live.As you open up to the Spirit of God,you will not die but will carry the power and life that the Spirit gives.Remember,when God breathed upon the Man whom He made out of mud and clay,he became a living being
Will you open up to the precious Spirit of God.Lets not live lives grieving the precious Spirit .O Hallelujah,I can fell and sense the presence of the Spirit all around me as I write this.
Let the Spirit of God take control of our lives,jobs,ministries,families and nation…as we open up to Him
Lets pray
Heavenly Father in thy presence we want to make a confession of faith”I shall not die,but live and will proclaim what the Lord has done.Precious Father send your word and help us to have tremendous faith in you.We want to open up our lives to the movement of the Spirit.Sweep across our lives,our jobs,our families,our nations so that we might live in thee and have partnership with the precious Spirit of God.We confess that closed doors be open,we bind the enemy and allow the Spirit to take us to the new level which you desire from us.Protect us in the month of march.
We love you so much Lord.Do not take thy presence from us
This we pray in Jesus’s name
P.S: for daily inspirations visit and see the GLOW TODAY Section
With Best Regards,
Ashley Benjamin
Infosys Technologies
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