June started with a panic around when General Motors filed bankruptcy and the Airbus carrying 228 passengers crashed into the Atlantic.Will you take some time before I share the thought what God spoke to me to visit http://ipashelterhouse.web.officelive.com/Pray.aspx and join me in praying for the peace of the families in distress. As I was asking God on what should I share with you,He reminded me of 2 characters in the Bible whose decisions changed their destiny.Gen 4:16:So Cain went out from the Lord's presenceGen 33:11..Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent Both Cain and Joshua were exposed to the presence of God,their response was different though.Cain went out from the presence of God but Joshua remained there. Let me share 3 important characteristics what the Holy Ghost inspired me to share .
1)Welcome the presence of God in your life Moses cried out to God "If your presence does not go up with us,do not send us up from here".This should be our prayer.We should be always relying on His presence.His presence is the need of the hour.In midst of the valley of shadow of death,you will fear no evil because of His presence.Do not forget to welcome His presence in your life every day.His presence is truely the essence of life.
2)Make the presence of God your dwelling place God promises in His word from Ps 91"If you make the Most High your dwelling,even the Lord who is my refuge,then no disaster will come near your tent.Making His presence your dwelling place will bring blessings of God and will keep you from the evil one.In these evil times,we need to make Him our dwelling.Psalmist says in Ps 23:6 says "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of our life,and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever"
3)The presence of God is His promise
Our Lord before He ascended to heavens said"LO,AM WITH YOU EVEN UNTO THE END OF THE AGE".The Lord promised us His blessed presence and we need to claim that.He will never leave us and we need to cling on to His presence like never before.Lets pray more,fast more.........we need His presence. Remember lets be like Joshua who never left the presence of the Lord.His presence will make the difference in your life.Cain became a wanderer as he left the blessed presence but Joshua was elevated to lead His people. God bless you this month.May He protect you and bless you with His presence. Father I just ask thee one thing,help all of us to make your presence our dwelling place,We invite your presence in our midst.May you be exalted this month as we lift up thy name now,Give us thy strength and peaceIn Jesus's nameAmen