There was a large crowd....I was also very tired after my day's work...Sun shining in all its fury.~~I usually come along way,but unusually a big crowd..There were sounds of cry.....some of them in anger and others in pity...I also could see a man falling and getting up...falling and gettin up...I thought it was yet another criminal who was being led to crucify.
I was a bit more anxious to see this man,I went nearer..Suddenly a roman soldier took me by my hand and forced me to carry that heavy cross....I starred at that man..who was so weak..Blood was seen all around...He also looked at me with blood covering His face..Yes literally Like a lamb that was led to Slaughter..That look changed my life...I dropped all my burden and started carrying HIS.I stopped complaining,I stopped grumbling..That look just shook me!!
I was forced...I was coming after a hectic day of work.but i made up my mind.. I started walking up those hills of GOLGOTHA. Let me tell you....EVEN IF THE DAY IS HECTIC FOR YOU,ON UR WAY BACK HOME EVERY DAY...Walk to Golgotha with ChristALL YOUR BURDEN WILL SEEM TO BE SO LIGHT...IN YOUR TIREDNESS HIS STRENGTH WILL BE MADE PERFECT
Yes on that way..He was not walking without any burden.when i looked more closely..AS I CARRIED THAT CROSS OF HIS..He was carrying my sins,my sorrows,my sickness,my iniquities,my transgressions.I will never forget that way....will never drop that CROSS...because He WAS and Is CARRYING ME close to HIS HEART!!!