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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Extent He goes...........

Nebuchadnezzar increased the heat 7 times of the furnace tto burn the 3 hebrew slaves who refused to obey the Emperor,who chose to take a stand for the God.Such intense was the heat that the men who carried them to the furnace got burnt.Much more intense was God's care and love that made Him walk along with those Nebuchadnezzar says"Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods."

Peter along with the disciples had a bad night in the sea,they were getting tired rowing the boat amidst the intense storm that struck them,but more intense was the Love of God that made Jesus walk on the waters to reach them in the fourth watch of the night .

A criminal all His life was condemned by the Romans.The execution was to be done by crucifixtion.Somewhere in the back of His mind He desired goodness,he hungered for that.The intense punishment could have made him feel bitter but more intense was God's love who saw Him.Jesus ,God's own son saw His hunger and chose to die along with him on the cross which resulted in Christ saying"truely i say to you,today you shall be in Paradise with me"

The circumstances may hit you with cruel intensity but the extent God will work for you is unimaginable beyond all thoughts....because of His intense love for you.He wont let you go!!!

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