Ps 61.2:From the end of the earth I will cry to you,when my heart is overwhelmed;lead me to the rock that is Higher than I
Thought 1:Crying to God eases your heart…many a time we get overwhelmed in our heart..We feel a great weight in our heart because of tensions,anxieties and worries..YOUR TEARS ARE A GOD_GIVEN MECHANISM TO EASE YOUR HEART!!when the worries and tensions accumulate in your heart..God who created us didn’t allow His creation to accumulate these..He devised the tear glands to secrete..Hallelujah..And remember He values your Tear drops rather than multitude of words……..!!The Psalmist uunderstood this great truth and said”LORD FROM THE ENDS OF THE short…..when am lonely..sourrounded by none..WHEN MY HEART GETS OVERWHELMED…I WILL CRY TO YOU(my tear glands and you will store it in your bottle)!!!
Thought 2:When circumstances like this come.We tend to go down..feel so down that we just like being secluded..we just like being not used by anyone..we love to be in the worldly plains causing harm to none,loved by the devil(as you are posing no threat to him)…than being in a higher heavenly realm..Thus Psalmist is telling..I don’t want to go down when my heart is overwhelmed but I want to experience that heights where you would lead me.The psalmist knew that he cant make it on his own,thus he cries for heavenly guidance……lead me to the rock that is higher than I…remember your tear drops are the steps that the maker devised for Him to guide your life
WHEN OVERWHELMED IN YOUR HEART…CRY TO GOD…REMEMBER IT’S THE ROAD TO THE ROCK HIGHER THAN YOU……You can have a grip on it…..its clefts are so secure that you can hide in those……and its unshakeable in shaking times and situations…….A rock higher than yours!!!!!
1)Have you experienced this “overwhelming” of heart??
2)What is your response to those situations?????
3)Have you ever realized that your tears matter to GOD..??In your time of prayer do you take much time in “ordering God” or “crying to HIM”???
4)When is the last time you cried to HIM??
1)Do not restrict your tear glands….God values that most than the multitude of Junk words we use in our prayer
2)Check out Hebrews 5:7 and follow the pattern of Christ in your prayers
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