We all have our own “weaknesses”. Somewhere in this journey of life we have had a bad time with that “weakness”. We feel wounded,guilty.Some people try to cover up by just moving on in life. Weaknesses can prove to be Devil’s stronghold in your life.
So deal with your “weaknesses” very carefully and only the creator who formed you can MOULD YOU strong. Only He can help you in your weakness.
Through this small exposition, I rely on the Holy Spirit to talk to you personally and intimately and perform the work for which the word is sent!!
Weakness can be in explained as that part of you that links you to the world. It will not allow God’s holiness to enter your life. It will cause you to be contented with your present spiritual condition, it enables you to forget your calling. an example from the bible. God exposes His Holiness in full force in Garden of EDEN and as we flip pages of THE BOOK we find exodus 3…God comes down. Moses turns to see the GREAT SIGHT of the bush burning and its not getting consumed. The Lord says’ REMOVE YOUR SANDALS FOR THE PLACE WHERE YOU STAND IS HOLY. What did the Lord exactly mean by this…Sandals link you with the earth….u tread upon this earth with sandal? but when it comes to the heavenly God expects you to be holy, sandals should be removed …When Moses removed his sandals what happened is God see Moses in His holiness. We can even imagine of a cleansing action happening in the life of Moses. The murders he committed, the thoughts all were cleansed as He stood in the HOLY GROUND! Sandals of Moses can be imagined to our weakness. These weaknesses wont allow God’s Holiness to enter our lives. Children of God Let Him Who have an ear Hear. The Lord says “ YE HOLY AS I AM HOLY”…not
Many of us underestimate our weakness. in reality we take it so lightly that in fact as time goes this weakness will turn out to be the reason for our downfall. See what happened to Samson. He was enticed by sexual desires and he underestimated his weakness to be in the lap of Delilah!!Peter chose to be with those who crucified Christ that made him betray Jesus. Judas was “money-minded”. They didn’t recognize their weaknesses and surrender them to the Lord.
Many of us try to test weaknesses by going to ‘testing places’. We know that we can get down and under but still we go there. Eventually it gives a temporary happiness but after say moments we get convicted.Beloved,Do not test your weakness. Understand that your weakness is to be strongly dealt with. Christ warned us WATCH AND PRAY. Understand the times where your weakness can spring up. When you know that you should be driven to your knees. We always Pray and watch.Child of God read clearly. the Lord asks us to watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation(Luke 22.40)
When exposed to ‘testing environments’, its best to flee than to stay there and be in sin. Many a time we take diluted approach these days to nakedness. We love going to theatres though we know that we are knowingly or unknowingly ‘encouraging’ the enemy. We love browsing through sites and television channels for something that invokes our pleasure. Child of God, discipline your body, remove your sandals for without holiness no one can please God. It was very encouraging for me to see a young couple during my recent visit to a place taking a conscious decision, not to have TV at home. Do not test your weakness…FLEE YOUTHFUL LUSTS(2 tim 2.22)
We should not condemn ourselves because of our weaknesses. We should learn to trust in God who delivers us with all of our heart. Self condemnation questions the power of God’s precious blood. No longer do we approach God based on our works. We approach Him like beggars claiming for grace totally undeserved. These days I see and cry because of lot of arrogance because of Grace. We sit in God’s precious presence as if He owns us something. I thank God for those who kneel down and pray in tears, who acknowledge the greatness of His presence and greatness of our sins, yet cry to Him for mercy. See (Heb 5.8)…There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus(Rom8.1)
You can overcome. The evil youthful passions should not allure you again. At this juncture let me also ask God’s people not to provoke people into sin.Love,marriage all is a part of life. these days we se public exposure of love, specially the clothing we wear, the way we walk. the acts we do…Come on child of God, kick of the devil.Know how to conduct yourself. Lets be wise. God warns us against every small idle word we talk because He has numbered our hair and for heavens sake DON’T JUSTIFY YOUR WRONG. evaluate your life based on His holiness. He is interested in the holiness of every cell you have in your body. Weaknesses exposes God’s power.2cor 12.9..My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in your weaknesses.
Read thses verses carefully..
1 thessalonians4.7-8:For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness. Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God ,who also has given us His Holy Spirit.
Thus please read and apply
The Psalmist cries in psalm 139:23-24:-Search me o God, and know my heart; try me ,and know my anxieties and see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.
1 John 1.9.If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness
Hebrews 4.15.For we do not have a High priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses. but was IN ALL POINTS tempted as we are ,yet without sin.
Child of God.Weaknesses,how do you deal with this? Do you like to linger in your weakness and lose your portion in heaven or do you like to take a stand as taught to you by the Holy Spirit. I can sense a powerful move of the precious blood of Jesus, Let Him wash us, cleanse us…hallelujah
Father I pray that thou may do thy sacred work as we surrender our lives before thee. Weaknesses in us tend to give the devil a stronghold. Help us to fight against sin. We know that thou would help us in this struggle against sin. Help us to come to thee in humility and Lord we pray that thy strength would be made perfect in our weaknesses. Help us to watch and pray,to pray continually.We trust in thee o God with all of our heart. Remove our confusions and diseases. Lord lead us like a shepherd.
We love thee and give thee our praise.For we know our prayers are answered when we ask in Jesus’ mighty name
Amen and amen
Thanks and With Best Regards,
Ashley Benjamin,
The mountains melt when His presence is Felt!!
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