Psalm 84.3.Even the Sparrow has found a home,and the swallow a nest for herself ,where she may lay her young-even Your altars, O Lord of hosts,my King and my God
Thought 1:As the Psalmist gazes into God's presence He himself with awe.How lovely are your dwelling places and He expresses His deep longing to be in His presence,here he writes this verse even the Sparrow has found a home.Now the difference between us and the Sparrow is evident.Sparrow has found a home in the altars of God.We rather become visiters.We often use God's presence like a travel inn..after becoming weary and tired we reach His prsence.Still by grace He touches us.Now why not we like those little sparrows make His altars our Home???Remember when you make His presence as your home,its safety for your young ones too.........!!!
Thought 2:Altar is not a "good" place.Its a place of slaughter and blood shed,where sacrifices are done.But here we see the altar as the home for the sparrow.Child of God we are not destined to be in the outer courts.Are we Living in His altars??A life of sacrifice that's pleasing to God??When it is done,it will be so so beautiful.Only when you present yourself on the altar, the devil will not alter you from fulfilling the divine plan.
1)Are you a visitor to God's presence or have you made that your HOME??
2)Have you enjoyed the safety God's presence provide??
1)Enjoy God's presence each and every moment of your life.Identify those "tactics" of the devil that prevents you from making His presence as your HOME....
2)Sing songs of surrender whenever possible in your heart like "All to jesus I surrender","I just wanna be where you are"
Thanks and With Best Regards,
Ashley Benjamin,
Infosys Technologies,