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Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Psalm 84.3.Even the Sparrow has found a home,and the swallow a nest for herself ,where she may lay her young-even Your altars, O Lord of hosts,my King and my God
Thought 1:As the Psalmist gazes into God's presence He himself with awe.How lovely are your dwelling places and He expresses His deep longing to be in His presence,here he writes this verse even the Sparrow has found a home.Now the difference between us and the Sparrow is evident.Sparrow has found a home in the altars of God.We rather become visiters.We often use God's presence like a travel inn..after becoming weary and tired we reach His prsence.Still by grace He touches us.Now why not we like those little sparrows make His altars our Home???Remember when you make His presence as your home,its safety for your young ones too.........!!!
Thought 2:Altar is not a "good" place.Its a place of slaughter and blood shed,where sacrifices are done.But here we see the altar as the home for the sparrow.Child of God we are not destined to be in the outer courts.Are we Living in His altars??A life of sacrifice that's pleasing to God??When it is done,it will be so so beautiful.Only when you present yourself on the altar, the devil will not alter you from fulfilling the divine plan.
1)Are you a visitor to God's presence or have you made that your HOME??
2)Have you enjoyed the safety God's presence provide??
1)Enjoy God's presence each and every moment of your life.Identify those "tactics" of the devil that prevents you from making His presence as your HOME....
2)Sing songs of surrender whenever possible in your heart like "All to jesus I surrender","I just wanna be where you are"

Thanks and With Best Regards,

Ashley Benjamin,

Infosys Technologies,




Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ashes-Servants of God vs Masters of His blessings

Elijah burst into the scene from nowhere.We see Him warning King Ahab that unless He tells its not going to rain in Israel.We see later in James 5 that Elijah came into the scene from His "prayer room".He explodes in front of the evil king ..he says As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.Elijah knew whom he served.The blessings of the land are dependent on the Servants of God.These days we see Masters of His Blessings and very few Servants of God.In Carmel He prayed like this" Elijah stepped forward and prayed: "O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command".
Daniel was a young hebrew lad who experienced God's presence and favour in midst of great emperors like Nebuchadnezzar,Belshazzar and Darius.A law was passed by Darius to put anyone who worships any other God in the Lion's den,but Darius knew the God Daniel served.He woke up early in the morning and ran to the lion's den and cried loudly
 O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions?.
what an example!!Those who serve the eternal almighty God needn't fear the temperory LIONS..God of the Lions is your God!!
St paul was in a ship that faced a great hurricane called "northeaster".He also knew the God whom He served.In midst of all fears and turmoils and tensions in the ship,Paul was encouraged to say this to those in the troubled waters."But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed. 23Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me 24and said, 'Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.' 25So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me
Child of God...Will you take a decision that can change your way of life as Joshua said"As for me and my house we will serve the Lord".The rains on the land,the lions in the den,the hurricane of the sea wont destroy you as long as you serve Him with all of your heart ,mind and soul.

Thanks and With Best Regards,

Ashley Benjamin,

Infosys Technologies,




Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ashes -Capsule(7)

1 Cor 10:1-5
MoreOver Brethren,I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud,all passed through the sea,All were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea,All ate the same spiritual food,And all drank the same Spritual drink.For they drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them and that rock was Christ.
But with most of them God was not well pleased,for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness
Thought 1:The Provision we enjoy when we are stuck,the new doors we see whenever we find all exisiting ways are closed all reminds us that we have a SPIRITUAL ROCK that follows us.He follows us wherever we go .When faced with hunger and thirst,when we long for something new to happen always see the Rock that is following us.He is our shepherd.he is our rock.Rock of our provision
Thought 2:The spiritual and worldly provision we enjoy is not a sign of God's pleasure in us.ITS WHAT WE DO WITH THOSE THAT COUNTS You may have the greatest of houses and cars and jobs.You may be speaking of great Spiritual gifts and exercising them,but listen to this..."All ate the same spiritual food,And all drank the same Spritual drink.For they drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them and that rock was Christ.
But with most of them God was not well pleased,for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness"..Jesus is coming soon,we are almost nearing the promised land.IS GOD PLEASED WITH YOU..what are you doing with the Job He has given you,what are you doing with the "palaces" and "luxuries" He has given you....Rather than being people who enjoy God's gifts based on grace Lets be people who please GOD IN EVERYTHING WE SAY AND DO...
The most significant part of the life of Jesus was when heavens opened and the voice of the Father said"This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased"..
1)Is your life pleasing to God???
2)Are you thinking that God's blessings are for your pleasure and heavens are not thinking how wisely you use it??
Is the heavely Father happy for the blessings He has given you and the productivity you have??
1)See Heb 11.6,13.16,Rom 12:1-2,2tim 2.4.......write those specific subjects through which God will be pleased in you
2)Pray this prayer
Psalm  19:14...Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight,O Lord ,my strength and my redeemer.

Thanks and With Best Regards,

Ashley Benjamin,

Infosys Technologies,




Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ashes-Lets Sing!!

King Jehoshaphat was facing a great crisis in His life as He saw a multitude of enemies coming against Him.When He looked at His resources He felt so inadequate,but then He turned His eyes to the one who provides resources,who gives victory.He adopted a military strategy which no other ruler in the entire world History employed.he sent a group of musicians in the front of the army,they sang the song which was familiar in every hebrew family's house..I believe this song was resonating from the smallest child to the oldest person."O GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD FOR HE IS GOOD ,HIS STEADFAST LOVE ENDURES FOREVER"...
Daniel knew that a law was signed against praying to the Almighty God.He was a free person whe it came to puring out His heart before God.Though there is no law agaist prayer in our lands and terriritories we find it very difficult to pray.When the Law was signed against Him,He got onto His knees and the Bible says.He gave THANKS to the Lord as He was doing before three times a day with His windows opened towards Jerusalem.I imagine he must have sang this HYMN"O GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD,FOR HE IS GOOD,HIS STEADFAST LOVE ENDURES FOREVER.."...
Our blessed Lord Jesus as He stood before the 5000 odd men with 5 loaves and 2 Fish.He lifted His eyes towards Heavens and we read He thanked the LORD.Same thing He did when he stood before the tomb of lazarus.
He lifted His eyes to the heavens and thanked His heavenly father.He did the same bofore going to the garden of gethsamane.He must have sang"O GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD,FOR HE IS GOOD AND HIS STEADFAST LOVE ENDURES FOREVER"
CHild of God,Thanksgiving in the present for the present will result in a miracle in the next moments.I wish this song will be so familiar in our mouths.In sorrows,through difficulties,through pain,when faced with shortages,when laws are passed against you.,lets sing O GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD,FOR HE IS GOOD AND HIS STEADFAST LOVE ENDURES

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ashes-Something Personal.Something Beautiful,SOMEtHing EterNal

Blind Barthimauesin the road side of Jericho heard that Jesus, the son of David is passing by.Someone must have taught him about Jesus who would heal the sick,who would be the KING.A ray of hope hit his blind life.He never knew what it  was to be with sight.From the time He was born,he could not see anything.He was just acquinted with sounds and sounds only.
He immediately visualized inside his heart, what is needed from Him from not letting JESUS pass by.Yes the time approached as he heard a huge crowd walking by Him.He perceived and cried "JESUS SON OF DAVID HAVE MERCY ON ME".He wanted to have a healing personally which the world didnt want him to have.The world asked him to shut up.CHild of God only Jesus can sympathize with you make use of every   energy u have to catch His attention and let Him do something personal in us.THE WORLD WILL REBUKE U BUT JESUS WILL CALL YOU TO HIM and do something Personal in your LIFE!!
Mary broke a precious jar of ointment and anointed Jesus on His head.Judas Iscariot led the crowd in condemning her."Why did she waste this much money,the ointment could have been sold and given to the poor".Jesus knowing the love that broke that jar and anointing Him told the crowd gathered there that she has done a "beautiful thing" unto Him.
The world will not know the beauty of a broken heart,but God knows.he values every tear drop that comes from your welled eyes.World may look at the amount wasted,but the Lord will look at the jar broken.Something beautiful for the Lord,world will keep you from doing that.
Mary of bethany sat at the feet of Jesus.Her Sister Martha was busy preparing food for Christ.She was all alone in the kitchen but mary was too busy with the Lord.We often feel lonely,anxious and we look for someone who would help us out with the "cooking".She complained to the Lord and the Lord said,Martha!One thing is only needed and Mary has done the right thing and noone shall take it awy from her.The times at the feet of Jesus contributes to something ETERNAL.There also people will blame you!!
So remember the world will always prevent you,condemn you from something personal,beautiful and eternal to happen in your life.Take a decision...out of love..blind eyes He can open,Broken hearts He will not despise,At His feet everything is sweet.

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