Blind Barthimaues, in the road side of Jericho heard that Jesus, the son of David is passing by.Someone must have taught him about Jesus who would heal the sick,who would be the KING.A ray of hope hit his blind life.He never knew what it was to be with sight.From the time He was born,he could not see anything.He was just acquinted with sounds and sounds only.
He immediately visualized inside his heart, what is needed from Him from not letting JESUS pass by.Yes the time approached as he heard a huge crowd walking by Him.He perceived and cried "JESUS SON OF DAVID HAVE MERCY ON ME".He wanted to have a healing personally which the world didnt want him to have.The world asked him to shut up.CHild of God only Jesus can sympathize with you make use of every energy u have to catch His attention and let Him do something personal in us.THE WORLD WILL REBUKE U BUT JESUS WILL CALL YOU TO HIM and do something Personal in your LIFE!!
Mary broke a precious jar of ointment and anointed Jesus on His head.Judas Iscariot led the crowd in condemning her."Why did she waste this much money,the ointment could have been sold and given to the poor".Jesus knowing the love that broke that jar and anointing Him told the crowd gathered there that she has done a "beautiful thing" unto Him.
The world will not know the beauty of a broken heart,but God knows.he values every tear drop that comes from your welled eyes.World may look at the amount wasted,but the Lord will look at the jar broken.Something beautiful for the Lord,world will keep you from doing that.
Mary of bethany sat at the feet of Jesus.Her Sister Martha was busy preparing food for Christ.She was all alone in the kitchen but mary was too busy with the Lord.We often feel lonely,anxious and we look for someone who would help us out with the "cooking".She complained to the Lord and the Lord said,Martha!One thing is only needed and Mary has done the right thing and noone shall take it awy from her.The times at the feet of Jesus contributes to something ETERNAL.There also people will blame you!!
So remember the world will always prevent you,condemn you from something personal,beautiful and eternal to happen in your life.Take a decision...out of love..blind eyes He can open,Broken hearts He will not despise,At His feet everything is sweet.
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