The wedding house at Cana was so attractive from outside,guests were pouring in,and as they were coming in the wine was going out and noone seemed to care abt the situation in the house.They had invited Jesus and His disciples for the wedding and His mother also was there.Fear set in there was a panic all around,people were asking for wine but the wine was over.Mary came and told Jesus because she knew who Jesus was and also knew that if Jesus was told something,He will do something about it.Sher went and asked the people in the store," WHATEVER HE SAYS TO YOU DO IT".
A centurion met Christ on the way and asked Him to heal His Servant.Christ said" I will come and Heal Him".The centurion full of faith said a "LOrd,AM unworthy to have you under my house,Say a Word and my servant shall be healed".Prayer of faith acknowledges Him as Lord,it also expresses our unworthiness in His presence ,but RELIES ON THE POWER OF HIS WORD.The centurion like Mary understood that His word can do great things,it can travel upto any distance,it accomplishes the purpose for which it is sent.Let me add one more thing,even the angels are so keen on hearing and obeying His word.When God sents a word unto us,I also imagine a host of unseen angels being sent to fulfil His word regarding us.Hallelujah!!
Jesus and His disciples faced a tempest at the Sea and when the disciples saw the master sleeping,they got afraid.They woke Him up and cried"lord we are perishing".Jesus woke from the sleep and asked them "where is your faith"??He spoke"peace,be still"And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.The disciples then said to one another"Who can this be,that even the wind and sea obey Him!!".His word changed their world!!!!
Child of God,Lets pray O GOD SAYTHY WORD AND Save OUR WORLD!!!
Thanks and With Best Regards,
Ashley Benjamin,
Infosys Technologies,