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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ashes-Capsule(phil 2.5)

Phil 2.5:Let this mind be in you ,which was also in Christ Jesus


Thought 1:Our minds are created once,but the beauty is it can be renewed.Our minds are where heated discussions and arguments occur.Mind is the stage where thoughts wage a war.The whisperings of the devil,the communion of the Spirit all occurs here and what succeeds in our mind becomes our act.

Here Apostle Paul admonishes from the Prison to the church in Phillipi,Have the mind OF CHRIST in you.Trade it.Exchange it.Get that mind.


Thought 2:The good news is, what Mind Christ had can be yours.That mind that had compassion on the multitudes,that healed the sick,that fed the hungry,that humbleness that made Him to stoop down from the throne of heavens to the old rugged cross thinking of you and me.This can be yours.many a time we don’t take time to take THAT MIND that was in Christ Jesus.IF WE HAVE THAT MIND,WE WONT MIND DOING ANYTHING.This mind made Christ of being of no reputation.REPUTATION ,is the most soughted word now.Taking the form of BONDSERVANT.,born to serve.We have only leaders these days,no servants. Humbled Himself…we like others telling about our luxury..have we ever taken an “effort to be humble”.?Became obedient even unto the death unto the cross.




1)what is the mind we possess??Is it the mind to go to any humble ourselves,the extent to obey Him??


2)How do you respond to the SUCCESS Mantras of the world??Will you trade your comforts for the blessing of others??Some time of sleep to pray for others,some holiday to tell about the gospel of Christ??



1)Write down your likings in your heart,compare it with the “MIND OF CHRIST”Refuse any thing that comes against that


2)See Rom 12:1-2..sumbit your minds to be renewed as you offer your bodies as a living sacrifice


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