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Thursday, December 04, 2008

December 2008:His love

Dearest in the Lord
What a time are we living in.The luxury and money power could not save the precious lives of people in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.Fear and panic all around and how much does the world need our Everlasting Father,Wonderful COunseller,Prince of Peace and the Mighty God.
How much we need the government to be on His shoulders and am sure that the Lord's coming is near.Let us prepare ourselves and ask the Holy Spirit to do His precious work.Lets open up our hearts and homes and hands for His precious work.Traditions and beliefs cannot save us.THERE IS ONLY ONE NAME UNDER HEAVEN AND AMONGST MEN TO BE SAVED AND LETS LIFT HIS BLESSED AND PRECIOUS NAME -JESUS
John 3:16 is a well known passage for all of us.Let me tell you a truth.When we see the violence,hatred and selfishness around I have a Goodnews for you.GOD LOVES THE WORLD,HE LOVES YOU AND ME.He has already displayed the precious love He has for us when He sent Jesus to die for us on a cross.O How He loves you and me.What can we do in return for His great Love
1)Appreciate His love(1John 3:1)
Behold,what manner of Love the father has given unto us that we might be called the children of God.Talk about His love this season.Take a decision to reach out with His love to your collegue,to your boss,to your neighbour.Appreciating His love ,talking about the greatness of His love will draw people unto Him.He gave us His everything,so that we might be saved.Precious soul,You are loved by God and the cross at Golgotha is a proof for that.WIll you appreciate His love,talk about His love.Worship Him for His love?
2)Appropriate His love(John 3:16)
Take possession of His love.We read whosoever believeth in Him.You can appropriate His love by Believing in Him.Belive in Him for your salvation and deliverence.He can save you.He is mighty to save.Your family,your unsaved friends are not far off from His love.If we appropriate His love,we will be saved

3)Associate with His love(Rom 5:5)

We should not only be on the receiving part,we should be on the giving part,where we show the love of God,where we become carriers of His love.In the verse above we read that THE LOVE OF GOD is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit He has given us.Can we be ambassadors of His love so that the world can be a better place to Live in?

Lets appreciate,appropriate and associate ourselves with His love.

It was a joy writing to you for the past months.I believe these thoughts on the beginning of each month were encouraging you and helping you in your walk with God.You can see these thoughts anytime @

May you be blessed and empowered by God

Lets Pray

Our precious heavenly father,

We thank you for this new month.We thank you for your mercies are new everyday,every moment of our lives.Lord I pray that our eyes may be opened to see the greatness of your love,to receive you love and to be carriers of thy divine love.keep us safe and sound so that we may serve thee.may answers to our prayers happen before the end of this year.Holy Spirit,hasten your work,we invite your precious presence into our lives once again.Thank you Lord for blessing our lives.Help us to have a heart of gratitude and to live this life for your glory.We remember Mumbai and all states of India that the Love of Jesus will cast our fear and cause a great revival.


We thank you Lord,We bown down before your awesome presence

This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord


Have a blessed Christmas season and a great new year ahead in Advance



Ashley n Sheba

P.S.If you are in Bangalore and is looking forward for wholesome christian growth do join our church..IPA shelter house in bannerghatta road.








With Best Regards

Ashley Benjamin

Infosys Technologies|Bangalore|9900427670


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