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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Bible says "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge(Hosea 4:6).Everything happening in the world has a heavenly dimension to it.Through Viewpoint we desire that we may understand more about the times we are living in.
We are facing the most unpredictable time in History.Millions of people around the world are facing job cuts and pink slips.What is the reason behind this?People commiting suicides, world leaders gathering and breaking their heads on how to save the world.
What is the reason for a recession?
We know that Pride goes before a fall.
In the Bible we read that whenever people went away from God, there was a famine in the land. Remember the famine in the times of Elijah.Famines and recession is a wake up call for the people of God.Hosea 13:6..When I fed them they were satisfied;when they were satisfied ,they became proud ;then they forgot me
When people got money and sudden increase in prospects they forgot God,they never were interested in the work of God and they forsook Him in the comfort of their lives.They started disobeying the people of God and the godly parents.They like the "prodigal" got the comfort of the Father and ran away from the House and encountered the Famine.
What should be our Lifestyle?
We cannot run away from the famine.We have to face it.The only way we can face these times is by coming back to ourselves.We should know where we were and now where we are.Like how the Prodigal returned to the Father's house, we need to return back to God confessing our weakness.God always preserved His people in times of famine,but we need to get back to that way to the Father's house.A broken and contrite Spirit God will never forsake.So as people of God lets come back to Him,fast ,pray and seek His face for mercy.Pray a prayer like Daniel 9.
I believe that the coming of the Lord will take place soon.The economy will revive again as the people of God still are on the face of the earth.God always regards the prayers of you and me and because of you and me God will spare the earth.I believe through this recession many will come to the knowledge of God and a mighty revival will spread across the planet.Remember this is a sign of the last days.
1.Pray,pray and stand in the gap and ask for God's mercy.
2.Trust in God with all your heart(see Jer 17:7-9).Never boast about what you have.Boast only in God's cross and His mercy
3.Participate in the work of God.Do not be a person who attends the church.Participate by giving your best energy,time and talents for the expansion of His kingdom.If you are just attending a church,God might just be attending in your life.If you participate He will partner with you
4.Sow seeds of encouragement and hope and faith in other lives.The world is looking for hope.Show our Lord to them.
5.Look forward to the coming of the Lord.

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