In 2 Kings 6 we read the prophets facing a problem of congestion and they realized the need for an expansion.. Many a time we also struggle in congestion. We get our minds blocked, our thoughts congest us, we live in limitations and weaknesses. To get rid of Congestion we need to 1)INTROSPECTION OF OUR SELVESThese prophets examined themselves, the found out that they needed an expansion.They saw where they were.We also need to have daily examination. We need to take time to judge ourselves. Psamist says in Ps 139..Search me O God and try me, see if there is anything wicked in me.
2)COMPULSION FOR HIS PRESENCEThey introspected themselves and they did not stay there.They came to the man of God. This signifies the importance of telling our problems to God in prayer.We need to be very convinced on what we need and we have to take it to the Lord in prayer.They brought their request to the man of God.Men of God in your life signifies God's presence.HThe man of God agreed to their request,but they did not stop there. They requested the Man of God to go with them.The Presence of God should be requested by us.Only if we request will His presence be manifested in our lives,jobs,families and churches.Ex 33:15-16 says how Moses persuaded God for His presence.Ps 51:11.David cries.Cast me not away from your presence o God.
3)PROGRESSION BY HIS PROMISES(v4)They went to Jordan and started cutting the trees one by one.The trees signifies the problems and challenges we face.As we cut down these trees by His word and His promises our problems become the building blocks of our life.We can only progress if we cut down these obstacles by the shard edge of His word.When you face the tree of financial difficulty cut it down by Phil 4:19..My God shall supply all my need.Wehn you encounter the tree of diseases strike it down by Is 53:5.By His stripes am healed.When you feel you cannot do it and feeling to give up , cut that tree by Phil 4:10.I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.If you dont have the word you cannot progress.
4)RESTORATION BY HIS CROSS(v5-7)As the prophets were cutting the trees and gathering logs, one of the prophet's axe head fell in the river jordan.He cried out to the man of God Elisha. He was more worried as it was a borrowed one also.Elisha asked the prophet to show the place where it fell.He then cut a log and threw it to the place where it fell and the iron axe began to float.This is what the SPirit reminded me, all of us have been entrusted with CUTTING EDGE potential. You have a uniqueness that is given by God that is strong enough to cut mighty tree like problems.Over the years you used that extensively,as you started cutting, that iron axe is no more there. In this journey of life we have hidden that cutting edge potential. Without that you are nothing.God's giftings and potential in you has to be triggered by the Spirit and once its lost,only way you can restore is through the CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST.COme to the cross and show God the place and the situation in which the iron axe fell..That prayer life was lost,the smile in your face disappeared,that gutsy faith you had vanished.Take the presence of God to that bitterness.It may be an abuse,a failed relationship, a financial difficulty that caused that CUTTING EDGE Potential to vanish into river Jordan.Child of God take Him there,restore that great potential through the cross of Jesus Christ.
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