-----------Daniel was in the lion's den..put by jealous people.
Huge gallows were being built for Mordecai by Haman.
Joseph was in the pit and prison for no reason.
Christ was put to great shame ...that too for no reason...
The Evil devil puts you in different places to Kill you,to make an end to your hopes n future,but we have a good God who knows what to do with His anointed in those times.
The devil's plans stop with the man of God in the Den,but God goes beyond that to send an angel to shut the mouth of the LION.The evil devil thought and laughed seeing the gallows for mordecai,but the Good God had an esther in the palace.
Enemy thought Joseph is over with the prison,but God knew it was just a beginning,as He gave Joseph divine gift to interpret vision.Cross was not the end of Christ...there was a third day of God's power.
Child of God.to put it short..We have a good God who knows what to do wherever you are!!!!!
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
For 12 years this lady had a bad bleeding disease,diagonized by many famous physicians...her life became very miserable...one moment she made a comeback.with all her pain and sorrow,she touched the helm of the Master's garment..She made a comeback...
A thief all his life..have done only wrong,made lives of many miserable...one look at the master's bleeding face changed Him.He made a comeback by making an honest confession..
Mary MagDALENE,Elijah,david..all had their moments of a comeback.Are you looking for a comeback??
Make a gentle touch,an honest confession ,shed tears of repentance.MAKE A COMEBACK
Isaiah 42:3 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
A thief all his life..have done only wrong,made lives of many miserable...one look at the master's bleeding face changed Him.He made a comeback by making an honest confession..
Mary MagDALENE,Elijah,david..all had their moments of a comeback.Are you looking for a comeback??
Make a gentle touch,an honest confession ,shed tears of repentance.MAKE A COMEBACK
Isaiah 42:3 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Loveliness in Loneliness;-)
Loneliness..that could be what you are facing right now.. couldn't it?
God didnt want man to be lonely and doesn't want. That was the first issue what God dealt with regard to man.He created a partner for Adam in Eve. Dont misunderstand - this is not a marriage sermon!!;-).
God orchestrates these paths of loneliness for us to enjoy His loveliness..
Yes, it was when Hagar was driven off from home that she met the Lord of Abraham who would make springs in the dry land..I am talking to someone...yes..you night be thinking you are all alone..but understand something lovely is somewhere near.
Only when he slept taking a stone as his pillow at a place called LUZ(later named by him as Bethel) did jacob realize ,who the God of his fathers was.And there he saw a ladder placed between heaven and earth and angels ascending and descending. That place was his turning point.
Only when he came all alone to the mountain of God and as he heard the VOICE from the burning bush which was not consumed, did Moses know who the God of Hebrews was. David, Daniel, Jonah...and even Christ when He was in this world had to be lonely in the wilderness to be filled by the Holy Ghost.
Are u dejected? Lonely? Who knows. You might see a spring in the wilderness; see a ladder in the place of uneasiness; or even a burning bush...
Child of God, open ur eyes. As you tread paths of loneliness dont forget to see that LOVELINESS OF YOUR GOD who promised"I will never leave you nor forsake You""I will be with you till the end of the age""
No never aloneNo never aloneHe promised never to leave me never to leave me alone"
God didnt want man to be lonely and doesn't want. That was the first issue what God dealt with regard to man.He created a partner for Adam in Eve. Dont misunderstand - this is not a marriage sermon!!;-).
God orchestrates these paths of loneliness for us to enjoy His loveliness..
Yes, it was when Hagar was driven off from home that she met the Lord of Abraham who would make springs in the dry land..I am talking to someone...yes..you night be thinking you are all alone..but understand something lovely is somewhere near.
Only when he slept taking a stone as his pillow at a place called LUZ(later named by him as Bethel) did jacob realize ,who the God of his fathers was.And there he saw a ladder placed between heaven and earth and angels ascending and descending. That place was his turning point.
Only when he came all alone to the mountain of God and as he heard the VOICE from the burning bush which was not consumed, did Moses know who the God of Hebrews was. David, Daniel, Jonah...and even Christ when He was in this world had to be lonely in the wilderness to be filled by the Holy Ghost.
Are u dejected? Lonely? Who knows. You might see a spring in the wilderness; see a ladder in the place of uneasiness; or even a burning bush...
Child of God, open ur eyes. As you tread paths of loneliness dont forget to see that LOVELINESS OF YOUR GOD who promised"I will never leave you nor forsake You""I will be with you till the end of the age""
No never aloneNo never aloneHe promised never to leave me never to leave me alone"
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
DeeplY Moved
Problems are common to all....whoever we are..whatever be our postion spiritual or physical.The House of Bethany was not exempted from that,though they were the family our dear Lord loved so much.They had to face difficulties like that Sidonian woman...like that widow at nain.
But our response to problems vary depending on pur relatioship with Him.see what the Bethany sisters told
So the sisters sent word to Jesus, "Lord, the one you love is sick." 7 words..nothing more..nothing less..How are we presenting our requests to Him..Do we express our relationship to Him as we tell Him our needs.."the one whom you LOVE"..
We read then Christ didnt come immediately,but if the message reaches Him,trust Him..He will COME..No doubts..
Jesus came to the village..we read after four days.but what toched me this time was,the way mary responded."When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said,"
See how Christ Responded" he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled."
When u come out of that house of weeping,sorrows,loses to where Christ is and worship Him,adore him,pour out your love to HimJesus will be deeply moved...deeply moved..When He is deeply moved,death cannot hold lazarus,when He is deeply moved,situations will not be the same.
Question is "Whether He will be deeply moved seeing our attitudes,words,life and worship"??
You know that,I love you,You know that,I want to know you so much more,More than I have beforeThese words are,From my heart,These words are,Not made up,I will live for you,I am devoted to you,
King of MajestyI have one desireJust to be with you my Lord,
Just to be with you my Lord,
Chorus:Jesus you are the Saviour of my soulAnd forever and ever I'll give my praises to you,Jesus you are the Saviour of my soulAnd forever and ever I'll give my praises to you,Bridge:Jesus you are the Saviour of my soul(echo)And forever and ever I'll give my praises to you(echo)
But our response to problems vary depending on pur relatioship with Him.see what the Bethany sisters told
So the sisters sent word to Jesus, "Lord, the one you love is sick." 7 words..nothing more..nothing less..How are we presenting our requests to Him..Do we express our relationship to Him as we tell Him our needs.."the one whom you LOVE"..
We read then Christ didnt come immediately,but if the message reaches Him,trust Him..He will COME..No doubts..
Jesus came to the village..we read after four days.but what toched me this time was,the way mary responded."When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said,"
See how Christ Responded" he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled."
When u come out of that house of weeping,sorrows,loses to where Christ is and worship Him,adore him,pour out your love to HimJesus will be deeply moved...deeply moved..When He is deeply moved,death cannot hold lazarus,when He is deeply moved,situations will not be the same.
Question is "Whether He will be deeply moved seeing our attitudes,words,life and worship"??
You know that,I love you,You know that,I want to know you so much more,More than I have beforeThese words are,From my heart,These words are,Not made up,I will live for you,I am devoted to you,
King of MajestyI have one desireJust to be with you my Lord,
Just to be with you my Lord,
Chorus:Jesus you are the Saviour of my soulAnd forever and ever I'll give my praises to you,Jesus you are the Saviour of my soulAnd forever and ever I'll give my praises to you,Bridge:Jesus you are the Saviour of my soul(echo)And forever and ever I'll give my praises to you(echo)
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
walking to Him
WalkinG TO Him-------------------------------------
Peter and the disciples were so worn off because of the winds that were againstthem..The boat was beaten by the waters..Waters were rising and as this was journey compelledby the master they must have been more perplexed..It was the fourth watch of the night ..Noone will be there to help them.Child of God..Winds may be against you but when He is on your side..we shud not be afraid..Nothing can b against you.Yes If God is for us who can be against us..??God is on my side..what can man do to me??
Now in that fearful night ..abt the fourth watch..The initiator of this journey came to them,walking on those waters.Listen,if the Lord initiates something He is faithful to complete,its His Duty..But always let the Lord initiate.The disciples now could not recognize Him..They thought "it was a ghost"..When the Master draws closer always we tend to doubt.We dont doubt our friend,we dont doubt the presence of our relative but when he draws near..we put it as our emotions, we always doubt His presence..If it is Him.He will first say"DO NOT FEAR"...Fear has no room in His powerful presence..Suddenly the unpredictable Peter experienced faith springing up from His fearful soul..O God..This is what His presence does..Fear makes way to faith..right now i feel it aropund me and i know you will expereince the same now..Let fears go in Christ's name..
Peter said"Lord if it is you.."ask me to come to you"This is what i was touched..If we saw Christ that time..our question would have been.."If it is you,why did you let this happen??"Why did you leave us all alone??Why did you come so late..an it goes on..But peter said"Lord I want to walk through this troubled waters and reach you"I want to walk..If you are facing a similar situation like this,why dont you ask the Lord now to empower you to walk through those troubles to reach Him and Him alone...??
Peter and the disciples were so worn off because of the winds that were againstthem..The boat was beaten by the waters..Waters were rising and as this was journey compelledby the master they must have been more perplexed..It was the fourth watch of the night ..Noone will be there to help them.Child of God..Winds may be against you but when He is on your side..we shud not be afraid..Nothing can b against you.Yes If God is for us who can be against us..??God is on my side..what can man do to me??
Now in that fearful night ..abt the fourth watch..The initiator of this journey came to them,walking on those waters.Listen,if the Lord initiates something He is faithful to complete,its His Duty..But always let the Lord initiate.The disciples now could not recognize Him..They thought "it was a ghost"..When the Master draws closer always we tend to doubt.We dont doubt our friend,we dont doubt the presence of our relative but when he draws near..we put it as our emotions, we always doubt His presence..If it is Him.He will first say"DO NOT FEAR"...Fear has no room in His powerful presence..Suddenly the unpredictable Peter experienced faith springing up from His fearful soul..O God..This is what His presence does..Fear makes way to faith..right now i feel it aropund me and i know you will expereince the same now..Let fears go in Christ's name..
Peter said"Lord if it is you.."ask me to come to you"This is what i was touched..If we saw Christ that time..our question would have been.."If it is you,why did you let this happen??"Why did you leave us all alone??Why did you come so late..an it goes on..But peter said"Lord I want to walk through this troubled waters and reach you"I want to walk..If you are facing a similar situation like this,why dont you ask the Lord now to empower you to walk through those troubles to reach Him and Him alone...??
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Our dwelling Place

1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.
As I write these lines..the entire world is in a state of shock after a tragic weekend in which many lives being wiped off from the face of the earth due to an earthquake in Pakistan and parts of kasmir....The shelters we think that are secure becoming the cause of our end!!The resources which we feel permanent failing us..
The beauty that we cherish..the strength we have all becoming useless within just seconds.
The verse above says about a dwelling place that has been throughout all generations..right from the beginning and those who find shelter under it are safe.The resources in this dwelling place are just wonderful..The water we drink in this shelter will cause us to thirst no more.The food we eat from this shelter causes us to hunger no more...The love we get from this dwelling place has no comparisons,
As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;
The strength we find in this shelter...is just powerful that we sour with wings as eagles..
The safety we have in this just see..
If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge-
10 then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
Blessed Be His glorious name
Have a wonderful week ahead
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Still Beyond...till the Still small Voice!!
ELijah...didnt have a cellphone..otherwise jezebel would have messaged the warning,by the CellPhone!!but instead she sent a messenger to threaten a person who proved to all Isarelites that Jehovah Is God by bringing fire from heaven.I imagine the foolishness of Jezebel..She didnt kill Elijah by the messenger..!!
Let me place a truth..The wicked devil cant touch you till permitted by your creator...Psalm 91..O his power is moving as you read" He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."...
Her warning was"May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them."
Her warning to Elijah was not concerned abt the present,but abt ELijah's tomorrow..Dont we have a lesson here..Devil always targets our tomorrows.The wicked one whispers doubts,threatenings in our minds by telling us abt our uncertain tomorrows.
Child oF God..listen to what our Lord says"Do Not worry abt tomorrow.."He doesnt want us to get worried..because He holds our tomorrows,not the Wicked devil.Live one day at a time..but like how we feel always...
ELijah was dicouraged by the wicked one's message.He came till Beersheba.and rested under a broom tree...The Lord didnt leave Him..He sent His angel to minister to Him..He was given Heavenly provision.He came still beyond with that strength to the mount of God..Many a time we are satisfied by the provision of the angel..say a hallelujah and walk back home.Elijah dint do that..he reached Horeb,the mountain of the Lord..Heavenly provision is given for you to go to the mountain of God...Elijah went to a cave in the mountain.
We then see..He was faced by the power of God..Wind,earthquake and fire came..He didnt run home seeing the power of God..he came still beyond that to hear a still small voice..That voice changed ELijah's world..empowered Elijah with a new mission...Dearest,we have many stories to tell of His provision..but have we walked with that to the Mountain of God??We have stories to tell about the Fire,earthquake and wind we saw..yes His power..but how much do we wait and come again to that moment when the STILL SMALL VOICE of God deals with us.
O that voice will change us..Uncertain tomorrows will be certain by His power and purpose..No wicked devil can do anythinG!!Get assured Now..COME STILL BEYOND YOUR SITUATION.yes these sacred moments as u read this..walk to the mountain of God..Take time to hear the still small voice!!COME...COME OUT TO HEAR THE STILL SMALL VOICE!!Be blessed in His name,be healed..be delivered,be empowered NOW!!!
Let me place a truth..The wicked devil cant touch you till permitted by your creator...Psalm 91..O his power is moving as you read" He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."...
Her warning was"May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them."
Her warning to Elijah was not concerned abt the present,but abt ELijah's tomorrow..Dont we have a lesson here..Devil always targets our tomorrows.The wicked one whispers doubts,threatenings in our minds by telling us abt our uncertain tomorrows.
Child oF God..listen to what our Lord says"Do Not worry abt tomorrow.."He doesnt want us to get worried..because He holds our tomorrows,not the Wicked devil.Live one day at a time..but like how we feel always...
ELijah was dicouraged by the wicked one's message.He came till Beersheba.and rested under a broom tree...The Lord didnt leave Him..He sent His angel to minister to Him..He was given Heavenly provision.He came still beyond with that strength to the mount of God..Many a time we are satisfied by the provision of the angel..say a hallelujah and walk back home.Elijah dint do that..he reached Horeb,the mountain of the Lord..Heavenly provision is given for you to go to the mountain of God...Elijah went to a cave in the mountain.
We then see..He was faced by the power of God..Wind,earthquake and fire came..He didnt run home seeing the power of God..he came still beyond that to hear a still small voice..That voice changed ELijah's world..empowered Elijah with a new mission...Dearest,we have many stories to tell of His provision..but have we walked with that to the Mountain of God??We have stories to tell about the Fire,earthquake and wind we saw..yes His power..but how much do we wait and come again to that moment when the STILL SMALL VOICE of God deals with us.
O that voice will change us..Uncertain tomorrows will be certain by His power and purpose..No wicked devil can do anythinG!!Get assured Now..COME STILL BEYOND YOUR SITUATION.yes these sacred moments as u read this..walk to the mountain of God..Take time to hear the still small voice!!COME...COME OUT TO HEAR THE STILL SMALL VOICE!!Be blessed in His name,be healed..be delivered,be empowered NOW!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Simon and His friends worked hard..labored all the night to get something(atleast some fish!!) in their nets.Nothing happened..Simon was an expert in the sea..but that night He was frustrated.We also feel like this many a time,dry,void..lack of purpose..Suddenly everything seems to go wrong,and that toounexpectedly..
Moses was brought up as the prince of Egypt,where was the better place to start a revolution.He had man power,people in egypt respected their Prince..but deep inside He wanted to release His people,the israelitesfrom bondage...He tried His best.Killed an egyptian..but it was a big flop!!!He ran for His life to MIDIAN....We also feel many a time like this..we try to do something for Others..but we land up in a bigger trouBle
The next morning Christ was there in that empty boat of SIMON.If there is a night of failure,dont forget there is a morning of VICTORY AND JOY WITH CHRIST!!
Moses met the GREAT I AM..When His rod became the Lord's rod..HE went straight back to Pharoah..that old palace where He thoughtHe was a failure.
Exodus 33:16 How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?"
Psalms 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, [a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me
Let our prayer be
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
REMEMBER the words of ChrisT
JOHN 15:5 apart from me you can do nothing.
Matthew 28:20And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Moses was brought up as the prince of Egypt,where was the better place to start a revolution.He had man power,people in egypt respected their Prince..but deep inside He wanted to release His people,the israelitesfrom bondage...He tried His best.Killed an egyptian..but it was a big flop!!!He ran for His life to MIDIAN....We also feel many a time like this..we try to do something for Others..but we land up in a bigger trouBle
The next morning Christ was there in that empty boat of SIMON.If there is a night of failure,dont forget there is a morning of VICTORY AND JOY WITH CHRIST!!
Moses met the GREAT I AM..When His rod became the Lord's rod..HE went straight back to Pharoah..that old palace where He thoughtHe was a failure.
Exodus 33:16 How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?"
Psalms 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, [a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me
Let our prayer be
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
REMEMBER the words of ChrisT
JOHN 15:5 apart from me you can do nothing.
Matthew 28:20And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The Name that matters the MOST
He was as usual looking at each and everyone going to the temple.Eyes fixed on their eyes and hands.We also have seen this sight..people who look into our eyes and hands..sply in front of places of worship.
This temple's gate was called beautiful,but outside were sights like this so bad.The Bible says in Acts 3,that He was laid every day there,maybe by His friends or relatives.Friends or relations couldnt take him beyond that...dear,let me impress upon you a truth.Friends,your relations and all can take you only to an exent..not beyond that.Limitations in loving you,in helping you...but then its your life.You have to live it out,facing loneliness,depression,like this lame man.This poor man's acquintances laid him outside the templeto BEG in that hot sun,crying out to people for alms..You define this friendship.!!!!
Alrite..that time 2 men of God,Peter and John were coming to that Temple during the "HOUR OF PRAYER".If something can happen seriously to lives ..its during the hour of prayer...it happens to anyone..anyone who prays,who is prayed for..Hour of TV watching,hour of chatting..hour of vain talks..nothing can happen during that..but during HOUR OF PRAYER many things happen!!They saw this man who asked them also for alms.. Peter said"Look at us!" So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."
O God..this man must have been puzzled..it was all of a sudden and then He sees peter's hand stretched out to Him.he helped him up, and instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.
There was something in Peter more powerful,costlier..dearer to Him than Silver and Gold.It was the name of Jesus.He gave it to the lame man...ONLY THAT NAME takes us to the temple courts to enjoy His presence..Only that name can change us.Only that name can give strength to our weak cells.Your friends restrict you..but this name causes you to expand your territory,Your diseases restrict you,but This name HEALS YOU.
.If you do not know abt that name..let it be known to you through this thought.Take that name JESUS..Let it lift us up from our situation and take us into His courts so that we may praise Him.Be healed,be touched..be empowered in His name..Yes this is the name that matters the MOST!!
This temple's gate was called beautiful,but outside were sights like this so bad.The Bible says in Acts 3,that He was laid every day there,maybe by His friends or relatives.Friends or relations couldnt take him beyond that...dear,let me impress upon you a truth.Friends,your relations and all can take you only to an exent..not beyond that.Limitations in loving you,in helping you...but then its your life.You have to live it out,facing loneliness,depression,like this lame man.This poor man's acquintances laid him outside the templeto BEG in that hot sun,crying out to people for alms..You define this friendship.!!!!
Alrite..that time 2 men of God,Peter and John were coming to that Temple during the "HOUR OF PRAYER".If something can happen seriously to lives ..its during the hour of prayer...it happens to anyone..anyone who prays,who is prayed for..Hour of TV watching,hour of chatting..hour of vain talks..nothing can happen during that..but during HOUR OF PRAYER many things happen!!They saw this man who asked them also for alms.. Peter said"Look at us!" So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."
O God..this man must have been puzzled..it was all of a sudden and then He sees peter's hand stretched out to Him.he helped him up, and instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.
There was something in Peter more powerful,costlier..dearer to Him than Silver and Gold.It was the name of Jesus.He gave it to the lame man...ONLY THAT NAME takes us to the temple courts to enjoy His presence..Only that name can change us.Only that name can give strength to our weak cells.Your friends restrict you..but this name causes you to expand your territory,Your diseases restrict you,but This name HEALS YOU.
.If you do not know abt that name..let it be known to you through this thought.Take that name JESUS..Let it lift us up from our situation and take us into His courts so that we may praise Him.Be healed,be touched..be empowered in His name..Yes this is the name that matters the MOST!!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Lessons from the NightComer
Listen what the scriptures say abt this person..his name is Nicodemus.1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."
Now give ur ear..a member of an entire community and a man of the religious council.A Man who tithed correctly..who fasted 3 times a week,a master of the law!!It looks like some of us..a person who prays everyday,who does no evil,respected by societyand also a senior in the church...He came to JESUS.He had some questions.Many of us because of questions go back from Him..Friend you might have some questions the right person to ask those is Christ...Well this man came at night to Jesus..Our night shud not be too dark that we miss out the Light.We shud have sight and take the right decision to come to the light.Are you gropping in the dark,darkness of questions,of diseases,of burdens??Open ur eyes child of God..Come to the light.the light of answers..light of healing that Christ provides.
Another thing that struck me is..Nicodemus didnt even ask a question..he just said a fact first
Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." and also 2 other questions' in this big coversation
"How can a man be born when he is old?" 9"How can this be?" Totally 3 times He speaks..rest all are the Lord's words...When we come to His presence something similar shud happenIts He who takes Over..He speaks and we hear the most..He does and we experience it..
Yes when we draw closer to Him..Let Him do things the most..Let Him be the Lord.We see Nicodemus last at the foot of the cross.What a glorious experience.Take a decision...to be still and know that HE IS GOD.
Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidd'st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, though tossed aboutwith many a conflict,
many a doubt;fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Now give ur ear..a member of an entire community and a man of the religious council.A Man who tithed correctly..who fasted 3 times a week,a master of the law!!It looks like some of us..a person who prays everyday,who does no evil,respected by societyand also a senior in the church...He came to JESUS.He had some questions.Many of us because of questions go back from Him..Friend you might have some questions the right person to ask those is Christ...Well this man came at night to Jesus..Our night shud not be too dark that we miss out the Light.We shud have sight and take the right decision to come to the light.Are you gropping in the dark,darkness of questions,of diseases,of burdens??Open ur eyes child of God..Come to the light.the light of answers..light of healing that Christ provides.
Another thing that struck me is..Nicodemus didnt even ask a question..he just said a fact first
Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." and also 2 other questions' in this big coversation
"How can a man be born when he is old?" 9"How can this be?" Totally 3 times He speaks..rest all are the Lord's words...When we come to His presence something similar shud happenIts He who takes Over..He speaks and we hear the most..He does and we experience it..
Yes when we draw closer to Him..Let Him do things the most..Let Him be the Lord.We see Nicodemus last at the foot of the cross.What a glorious experience.Take a decision...to be still and know that HE IS GOD.
Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidd'st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, though tossed aboutwith many a conflict,
many a doubt;fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Do NoT PasS me By...
Abraham...The call had some package of promises with it.He boldly obeyed that call without looking at the promise but the one who gave the promise..Dont start ur journey seeing the promise,but start seeing the One who gives you the promise..
...He started but now He was in the wilderness the Bible records GEN 18 "At the heat of the day"..when noone dare to walk on that HOT desert.Abraham lifted His head...O dear child...You may think..that the promise package is a feeling coz nothing has happened and its noontime already..Noone will dare to walk ..
But LIFT up your heads....You will see the Lord walking in that Heat outside....He comes thru that Hot sand..that prevents you from going outside...Your feet may burn,but His wont...and He is faithful to carry you...YES HE WALKS AND COMES TO YOU...amidst the doubts and troubles you face..HE walked among those troubled waters where His disciples were afraid,He walked with the 3 hebrews in the fire
He is not the God who comes in a cloud to you while u suffer on earth...He comes to you however you are wherevr you are..
...for he himself has suffered,being tempted.He is able to aid those who are tempted...He walks where noone dares to walk....that too for US..
1 But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush [a] and Seba in your stead.
4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.
And fall at the feet of God..and cry"DO NOT PASS ME BY"
Your age must have passed you...ur stage for reception of promises must have passed ,That doesnt matter..
But it matters when Christ passes by..Dont leave Him..Jacob,Jabez,Abraham.........blind Barthimaues all did not allow the Lord to pass by..without dealing with them...
Every time in a church or in a fellowship..in the house of God...in ur troubles..in your good times..HE PASSES BY YOU..but let our prayer be
"SAVIOR SAVIOR,hear my humble cry
while on others thou art calling
Do not pass me By"
...He started but now He was in the wilderness the Bible records GEN 18 "At the heat of the day"..when noone dare to walk on that HOT desert.Abraham lifted His head...O dear child...You may think..that the promise package is a feeling coz nothing has happened and its noontime already..Noone will dare to walk ..
But LIFT up your heads....You will see the Lord walking in that Heat outside....He comes thru that Hot sand..that prevents you from going outside...Your feet may burn,but His wont...and He is faithful to carry you...YES HE WALKS AND COMES TO YOU...amidst the doubts and troubles you face..HE walked among those troubled waters where His disciples were afraid,He walked with the 3 hebrews in the fire
He is not the God who comes in a cloud to you while u suffer on earth...He comes to you however you are wherevr you are..
...for he himself has suffered,being tempted.He is able to aid those who are tempted...He walks where noone dares to walk....that too for US..
1 But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush [a] and Seba in your stead.
4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.
And fall at the feet of God..and cry"DO NOT PASS ME BY"
Your age must have passed you...ur stage for reception of promises must have passed ,That doesnt matter..
But it matters when Christ passes by..Dont leave Him..Jacob,Jabez,Abraham.........blind Barthimaues all did not allow the Lord to pass by..without dealing with them...
Every time in a church or in a fellowship..in the house of God...in ur troubles..in your good times..HE PASSES BY YOU..but let our prayer be
"SAVIOR SAVIOR,hear my humble cry
while on others thou art calling
Do not pass me By"
Friday, August 05, 2005

Moses must have thought, as I shared before, that His mission of delivering the people is Over.We also love to do something for God,but circumstances keep us from doing that and we think its all over.Moses thought which was the better place other than the PALACE to do His work,but this YAHWEH God dint allow that.What use is if i stay in the wilderness??
Thats the time when God takes over.Elijah thought the the same when he heard the warnings of Jezebel...but theLord took over then..what can Moses do in His in laws house???in Midian??
But the great sight drew Him closer to His purpose.
But by this time frustration had crept in..he could only tell of His inabalities...We also do that..we always degrade that deeper mision and vision in our hearts..We always tell abt inabilities to GOD but We write a lot of our abilities for the world to use us(if there is a doubt see ur resume!!)
..but when it comes to divine service,the devil has blinded us...
The Lord later made Him understand that DELIVERANCE came to Isarelites not because of the abilities,orthe Rod of Moses or the 40lakh manpower He had,but it was by the Blood of THE LAMB that was shed during the passover night!!
Everything was over,when the lamb was sacrificed,we just need to apply that in our lives!!!Everything was over,when Christ the LAMB OF GOD was sacrificed!!!U just need to apply that in ur ministry,encourage your friends to apply that..ur families...!!!!REvival will begin..
THERE's power in the blood,power in the blood
Would you Live Daily His praises to SING
There's wonderful power in the blood
There is power,power,wonderworking power in the Blood of the LAMBThere is power,power,wonderworking powerin the precious blood of the LAMB
Thursday, July 28, 2005
The Great Sight!!
Moses thought that His work with regard to the deliverance of His brethren was over.He had revolutuion in is blood,He was a child kept by God..grown by the LORD.Friend,if you are reading this..let me tell you...all these days,it is the LORD who kept you by His power.THE Nile river was so deep...but the LOVE AND POWER OF GOD WAS DEEPER.
The sights in the palace he grew up was great...Egyptian architecture was awesome..but the sight that he was alarmed by was the GREAT SIGHT he saw as He came to the Mount of God.
The bush was burning ,but it was not consumed..He turned aside to see this great Sight.
In your weakness,if you glorify God...In your failures,you still trustGod..In your diseases and trials you still cling on to HIM..No sight is greater than this..
DANIEL UNMOVABLE IN front of the lions,the 3 hebrews in the burning fire....Paul and Silas singing in the prison...Graham Staines and children in the fire...YOU and me clinging to God in the darkest of nights..No sight is powerful than this...
its all because
of that sight we saw where the son of God silent...not even opening His mouth..BUT Submitting Himself to be crushed
Have you seen this great sight..??
The sights in the palace he grew up was great...Egyptian architecture was awesome..but the sight that he was alarmed by was the GREAT SIGHT he saw as He came to the Mount of God.
The bush was burning ,but it was not consumed..He turned aside to see this great Sight.
In your weakness,if you glorify God...In your failures,you still trustGod..In your diseases and trials you still cling on to HIM..No sight is greater than this..
DANIEL UNMOVABLE IN front of the lions,the 3 hebrews in the burning fire....Paul and Silas singing in the prison...Graham Staines and children in the fire...YOU and me clinging to God in the darkest of nights..No sight is powerful than this...
its all because
of that sight we saw where the son of God silent...not even opening His mouth..BUT Submitting Himself to be crushed
Have you seen this great sight..??
Monday, July 18, 2005

There was a large crowd....I was also very tired after my day's work...Sun shining in all its fury.~~I usually come along way,but unusually a big crowd..There were sounds of cry.....some of them in anger and others in pity...I also could see a man falling and getting up...falling and gettin up...I thought it was yet another criminal who was being led to crucify.
I was a bit more anxious to see this man,I went nearer..Suddenly a roman soldier took me by my hand and forced me to carry that heavy cross....I starred at that man..who was so weak..Blood was seen all around...He also looked at me with blood covering His face..Yes literally Like a lamb that was led to Slaughter..That look changed my life...I dropped all my burden and started carrying HIS.I stopped complaining,I stopped grumbling..That look just shook me!!
I was forced...I was coming after a hectic day of work.but i made up my mind.. I started walking up those hills of GOLGOTHA. Let me tell you....EVEN IF THE DAY IS HECTIC FOR YOU,ON UR WAY BACK HOME EVERY DAY...Walk to Golgotha with ChristALL YOUR BURDEN WILL SEEM TO BE SO LIGHT...IN YOUR TIREDNESS HIS STRENGTH WILL BE MADE PERFECT
Yes on that way..He was not walking without any burden.when i looked more closely..AS I CARRIED THAT CROSS OF HIS..He was carrying my sins,my sorrows,my sickness,my iniquities,my transgressions.I will never forget that way....will never drop that CROSS...because He WAS and Is CARRYING ME close to HIS HEART!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Carmel crusade..at HIS WORD
The prophets of baal did all that they can.They bruised their bodies,called out aloud
"they called on the name of Baal from morning till noon. "O Baal, answer us!" they shouted. But there was no response; no one answered. And they danced around the altar they had made.
So they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed. Midday passed, and they continued their frantic prophesying until the time for the evening sacrifice. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention."
It was Elijah's turn next.He was so ordered.he didnt go crazy,was very calm.He was doing everything in order,No confusion,no doubts.....He rebuilt the altar,took 12 stones,didnt become too modern that HE FORGOT HIS FATHERS and their footsteps.
He built an altar in the name of the LORD.We often do it in our NAMES!!!He then dug a trench to contain water.HE DID IT HIMSELF.Do we compromise there,we want someone else to dig US UP...Psalmist did that himself in Psalm 51.Set the wood in order.....
36 At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: "O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. 37 Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."
Prayer always causes you to come one step FORWARD.Understand that each time we pray,we come forward.He did all these things at HIS WORD.Yes His word should cause us to do things in order,with a divine calmness and strength and then when we pray the LORD WILL ANSWER BY FIRE.
Lets learn from ELIJAH,do everything at HIS WORD TO MAKE THE WORLD TO SEE THE LORD thru us.
"they called on the name of Baal from morning till noon. "O Baal, answer us!" they shouted. But there was no response; no one answered. And they danced around the altar they had made.
So they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed. Midday passed, and they continued their frantic prophesying until the time for the evening sacrifice. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention."
It was Elijah's turn next.He was so ordered.he didnt go crazy,was very calm.He was doing everything in order,No confusion,no doubts.....He rebuilt the altar,took 12 stones,didnt become too modern that HE FORGOT HIS FATHERS and their footsteps.
He built an altar in the name of the LORD.We often do it in our NAMES!!!He then dug a trench to contain water.HE DID IT HIMSELF.Do we compromise there,we want someone else to dig US UP...Psalmist did that himself in Psalm 51.Set the wood in order.....
36 At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: "O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. 37 Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."
Prayer always causes you to come one step FORWARD.Understand that each time we pray,we come forward.He did all these things at HIS WORD.Yes His word should cause us to do things in order,with a divine calmness and strength and then when we pray the LORD WILL ANSWER BY FIRE.
Lets learn from ELIJAH,do everything at HIS WORD TO MAKE THE WORLD TO SEE THE LORD thru us.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Wrong calculations;-(
The house was brighter than ever,guests pouring in from all over the land.People coming there,exchanging pleasantries all together a wonderful atmosphere.The man had also invited Jesus and his disciples for the wedding party.Mary,the mother of Jesus was also there.She knew something which was a bad news altogether.Something has happened and the wine was over.The calculations were wrong.
Many a time we calculate or plan many things,but we only find shortages....i t breaks our heart..specially because many eyes are on us..People are coming expectantly....FRIEND CALCULATIONS WILL FAIL YOU BUT JESUS WILL NEVER FAIL YOU.I imagine,there was a panic all around....similar to our body...when something bad occurs..our head aches,body shivers,mind is in unrest.sweat and tear glands..gets activated more..... A panic..
only one person was "cool"..IT WAS MARY...she came and said the matter to Jesusthough the answer was a bit discouragin..she knew and thus she said to the servants.."DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU"Dont apply logic,your understanding....just obey HIM!!Only a mind stayed on Him can be peaceful like that!!
We have certain limitations as we pray too...but He never stops working!!!He is always working for you and meWhen the eys of the world was around lookin for wine.....(something they did not have),the master's eyes fell on 6large stone jars kept there.He was looking for some open space where he can fil with water.When we are ready and available he will fill us with His Holy Ghost UPTo the brimand miracles will happen...
The water turned into wine...the sorrows turned to joy....the latter wine became sweeter...When our calculations go wrong,when our being panics..do u have some areas very available for Him...for Him to fill you with,faith,love,hope?"NOT BY POWER,NOT BY MIGHT,BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY"
Many a time we calculate or plan many things,but we only find shortages....i t breaks our heart..specially because many eyes are on us..People are coming expectantly....FRIEND CALCULATIONS WILL FAIL YOU BUT JESUS WILL NEVER FAIL YOU.I imagine,there was a panic all around....similar to our body...when something bad occurs..our head aches,body shivers,mind is in unrest.sweat and tear glands..gets activated more..... A panic..
only one person was "cool"..IT WAS MARY...she came and said the matter to Jesusthough the answer was a bit discouragin..she knew and thus she said to the servants.."DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU"Dont apply logic,your understanding....just obey HIM!!Only a mind stayed on Him can be peaceful like that!!
We have certain limitations as we pray too...but He never stops working!!!He is always working for you and meWhen the eys of the world was around lookin for wine.....(something they did not have),the master's eyes fell on 6large stone jars kept there.He was looking for some open space where he can fil with water.When we are ready and available he will fill us with His Holy Ghost UPTo the brimand miracles will happen...
The water turned into wine...the sorrows turned to joy....the latter wine became sweeter...When our calculations go wrong,when our being panics..do u have some areas very available for Him...for Him to fill you with,faith,love,hope?"NOT BY POWER,NOT BY MIGHT,BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY"
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Another new day has come..
He could see new faces around,some crippled,blind..some of His old friends also were there.I feel He was the supersenior of all with regard to an infirmity and waiting at the pool of bethesda.His eyes as usually went to the pool....anytime the angel can come and stir up the pond and who gets down first gets healed.Forget being first..this man I feel has hardly seen the angel,such was the crowd in that poolof bethesda,people rejected by doctors...hoped to get down in that pond after the angel had stirred up the water.In biblical terms
3In these lay a great multitude of invalid folk -- blind, halt, withered -- waiting for the moving of the water.
4For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water. Whosoever then first stepped in, after the troubling of the water, was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.
He also looked for any other person who could help him out...someone who smiled at him..this man must have asked..COULD YOU Please help me to get down that pool when the angel stirs the water.The smile in those faces definitely had vanished by now..Noone there to help Him...see wat He says to anyone who comes there
Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool; but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me."
When there is noone to help you..you always give a TRY..but the results are always hard to digest..
This day He heard a gentle voice..."WILT THOU BE MADE WHOLE??"...He,I feel,didnt give heed to even look at that person,because the angel ,the friends he was looking for NEVER LOOKED BACK AT HIM....
He said the old story again...incorrect answers for the question asked..the question is "Wilt thou be made whole??"answer is"Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool; but while am coming, another steppeth down before me."That sweet voice this time turned its pitch...It became a sort of command..
"Rise, take up thy bed, and walk."
9And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed and walked...
Situation changed..something struck His life...each word...added power to His weak body!!He sprang up..he needed noone to help Him..For the first time in 38 years He walked and that too taking that BED..
Friend..we also face problems..lingering for ages..and we look for an angel...or a man of God..for the stirring of the pool like we expect in big crusades and campaigns..we also want others to help us out..everything in waste...
This day dont miss that sound..of JESUS CHRIST who can TURN YOUR LIFE..circumstances...isnt it so true..we dont expect much from the LORD When we spend tme personally with HIm..in our morning prayers,family prayers??
We always want "AN ANGEL" to come..someone to prophecy,someone to lay hands for soemthing great to happen...WRONG..He is beside you..The all important one
HE ORDERS YOU.."Rise, take up thy bed, and walk."..DOnt look for campaigns and crusades(ofcourse things happen there)..It can happen in those moments where u get up from ur bed and call His name.It can happen when you close your eyes and thank God before you have your food..It can happen as u ride ur vehiclE!!IT CAN HAPPEN NOW...if you hear those words from HIM"WILT THOU BE MADE WHOLE??MAKE USE OF EVERY OPPORTUNITY YOU GET TO TALK TO UR CREATOR....EVERY MOMENT SHOULD BE SERIOUS,EXPECTING,ATTEMPTING...
"He touched me, O, He touched me,
And O, the joy that floods my soul.Something happened,
and now I know,He touched me
and made me whole."
He could see new faces around,some crippled,blind..some of His old friends also were there.I feel He was the supersenior of all with regard to an infirmity and waiting at the pool of bethesda.His eyes as usually went to the pool....anytime the angel can come and stir up the pond and who gets down first gets healed.Forget being first..this man I feel has hardly seen the angel,such was the crowd in that poolof bethesda,people rejected by doctors...hoped to get down in that pond after the angel had stirred up the water.In biblical terms
3In these lay a great multitude of invalid folk -- blind, halt, withered -- waiting for the moving of the water.
4For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water. Whosoever then first stepped in, after the troubling of the water, was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.
He also looked for any other person who could help him out...someone who smiled at him..this man must have asked..COULD YOU Please help me to get down that pool when the angel stirs the water.The smile in those faces definitely had vanished by now..Noone there to help Him...see wat He says to anyone who comes there
Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool; but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me."
When there is noone to help you..you always give a TRY..but the results are always hard to digest..
This day He heard a gentle voice..."WILT THOU BE MADE WHOLE??"...He,I feel,didnt give heed to even look at that person,because the angel ,the friends he was looking for NEVER LOOKED BACK AT HIM....
He said the old story again...incorrect answers for the question asked..the question is "Wilt thou be made whole??"answer is"Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool; but while am coming, another steppeth down before me."That sweet voice this time turned its pitch...It became a sort of command..
"Rise, take up thy bed, and walk."
9And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed and walked...
Situation changed..something struck His life...each word...added power to His weak body!!He sprang up..he needed noone to help Him..For the first time in 38 years He walked and that too taking that BED..
Friend..we also face problems..lingering for ages..and we look for an angel...or a man of God..for the stirring of the pool like we expect in big crusades and campaigns..we also want others to help us out..everything in waste...
This day dont miss that sound..of JESUS CHRIST who can TURN YOUR LIFE..circumstances...isnt it so true..we dont expect much from the LORD When we spend tme personally with HIm..in our morning prayers,family prayers??
We always want "AN ANGEL" to come..someone to prophecy,someone to lay hands for soemthing great to happen...WRONG..He is beside you..The all important one
HE ORDERS YOU.."Rise, take up thy bed, and walk."..DOnt look for campaigns and crusades(ofcourse things happen there)..It can happen in those moments where u get up from ur bed and call His name.It can happen when you close your eyes and thank God before you have your food..It can happen as u ride ur vehiclE!!IT CAN HAPPEN NOW...if you hear those words from HIM"WILT THOU BE MADE WHOLE??MAKE USE OF EVERY OPPORTUNITY YOU GET TO TALK TO UR CREATOR....EVERY MOMENT SHOULD BE SERIOUS,EXPECTING,ATTEMPTING...
"He touched me, O, He touched me,
And O, the joy that floods my soul.Something happened,
and now I know,He touched me
and made me whole."
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
The bible doesnt tell us about her name.But this lady am talking to you ...had a very cruel disease for 12 long years.She went to many doctors....as the scriptures say
"who had spent all her living upon physicians but could not be healed by any,"
We too have problems facing us for days and years..emotional problems like loneliness,anger,identity crisis and we too go to many doctors.Some go to Dr.Drugs..others got to Dr.Movies...see some other worldly doctors..Dr.Meditation,Dr.pilgrimage...Dr.Secular Music,Dr.Smoking,Dr Novels......all these doctors will only take your livelihood and will only make ur condition worse.
But she never gave up.She heard that Jesus is coming that way.She must have heard that when Jesus touched people they were healed...It was always the Master stooping out for a miracle.It was when Jesus touched...one touch...things were happening.She decided to do something different.She,I feel,didnt have a loud voice like Barthimaeus that could stop Jesus.She didnt have any authority that Jesus could stop and place His hand....Yes friend we may also say the same thing...BUT DO NOT GIVE UP...she didnt complain abt God who never healed her..she said to herself"If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole." what you say to urself matters..She said to herself..Friend now say that to yourself...I dont want to grab hold of Jesus..i dont want to complain..I just want to touch..a soft touch..only my finger should know that.
When she had heard of Jesus, came up behind Him in the press of the crowd and touched His garment.Now reaching Jesus was not easy.She with all her pain,that disease...went past that large crowd..even the inner ring of Peter,James and John....went past all those with pain and that moment came..YES SHE TOUCHED HIM!!!That finger...touched the garment of Jesus.Her focus was correct.No distractions of the world attracted her.Her focus was on Christ..and she made it.For a miracle..for touching him...your focus should be right.The Bible adds on
And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
When you touch Jesus...you feel it.No doubts abt that..Miracles happen straightaway..new peace,happiness,joy,love floods you...Now she wanted to be unnoticed,but Christ stopped there,blessed her.The master always acknowledges a needy,sacrificial touch,a drop of tear,an offering made out of nothing, a song of praise in the darkest hour.He acknowledges that and thats wat touches him.Now wat made the difference here is that moment when the woman said to herself"If only I touch Him"..are u like this..facing problems,worries,depression,disease..and that too for a long time...SAY TO URSELF"If only I touch Him"...then make your way...passing the crowd and angels of heaven and touch Him....Straightaway things will happen.Its happening rite now as you say to yourself and make those steps to touch HIM
Rise n be healed
in the name of Jesus
Just let faith rise in ur soul
rise n be healed in the name of Jesus
He will touch you and make you whole
"who had spent all her living upon physicians but could not be healed by any,"
We too have problems facing us for days and years..emotional problems like loneliness,anger,identity crisis and we too go to many doctors.Some go to Dr.Drugs..others got to Dr.Movies...see some other worldly doctors..Dr.Meditation,Dr.pilgrimage...Dr.Secular Music,Dr.Smoking,Dr Novels......all these doctors will only take your livelihood and will only make ur condition worse.
But she never gave up.She heard that Jesus is coming that way.She must have heard that when Jesus touched people they were healed...It was always the Master stooping out for a miracle.It was when Jesus touched...one touch...things were happening.She decided to do something different.She,I feel,didnt have a loud voice like Barthimaeus that could stop Jesus.She didnt have any authority that Jesus could stop and place His hand....Yes friend we may also say the same thing...BUT DO NOT GIVE UP...she didnt complain abt God who never healed her..she said to herself"If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole." what you say to urself matters..She said to herself..Friend now say that to yourself...I dont want to grab hold of Jesus..i dont want to complain..I just want to touch..a soft touch..only my finger should know that.
When she had heard of Jesus, came up behind Him in the press of the crowd and touched His garment.Now reaching Jesus was not easy.She with all her pain,that disease...went past that large crowd..even the inner ring of Peter,James and John....went past all those with pain and that moment came..YES SHE TOUCHED HIM!!!That finger...touched the garment of Jesus.Her focus was correct.No distractions of the world attracted her.Her focus was on Christ..and she made it.For a miracle..for touching him...your focus should be right.The Bible adds on
And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
When you touch Jesus...you feel it.No doubts abt that..Miracles happen straightaway..new peace,happiness,joy,love floods you...Now she wanted to be unnoticed,but Christ stopped there,blessed her.The master always acknowledges a needy,sacrificial touch,a drop of tear,an offering made out of nothing, a song of praise in the darkest hour.He acknowledges that and thats wat touches him.Now wat made the difference here is that moment when the woman said to herself"If only I touch Him"..are u like this..facing problems,worries,depression,disease..and that too for a long time...SAY TO URSELF"If only I touch Him"...then make your way...passing the crowd and angels of heaven and touch Him....Straightaway things will happen.Its happening rite now as you say to yourself and make those steps to touch HIM
Rise n be healed
in the name of Jesus
Just let faith rise in ur soul
rise n be healed in the name of Jesus
He will touch you and make you whole
Monday, June 13, 2005
The Way of the little lonely MAN!!
..he was the chief of taxcollectors,very rich person.He was hated by almost all people as he used to collect heavy taxes,but as every man at one or the other time feel.....HE was lonely!!Remember God doesnt want you to be lonely.It was the first issue that God dealt with regard to Adam.Right,about this man we are talking about,he was also short in size!!
That day, he heard that Jesus had come to his own city.He wanted to meet him ...It was His desire,to meet him.Short man,hated by all...but that man had a soul as every one has to meet its creator..yes friend...that soul that makes you "you"..Its its desire...It cannot be satisfied by movies,friends,parents,money,honey....Allow your soul to meet its creator,as Zaccheaus wanted.he forgot who he was,everything else became null when that deep desire came in His mind.
He had some problems in meeting Jesus.He was short and also the crowd was too much.Yes,this is the problem man faces when wanting to meet the creator.We have a lot of doubts in front of us...questions like nothing else when we go to our creator.It just springs up from nowhere preventing us from meetin our creator...No Zaccheaus didnt succumb,he didnt give up..He ran ahead of Jesus...
He knew the way in which the master was goin to travel...Yes He took that road of faith,holiness.....thru which Jesus comes...He ran ahead and took steps to climb upon a sycamore tree.He didnt wait for His friends..family.He did it himself..Jesus didnt disappoint him..The Lord came that way...stopped rite beneath him and asked him o come down "with haste"!!
Once you meet Christ,things happen quickly!!Zacchaeus came down 'with haste" from the hatred he faced,from the loneliness he had,what a transformation,what joy in the SOUL!!never did zacchaeus experience such joy!!Money,fame nothing gave him that...ONLY JESUS COULD DO THAT
If ur desire is to meet Jesus,His desire is to stay with you.One night with Jesus Christ...changed his broken,lonely life..The life that longed for more fame,money...changed to the life that gives!!The way Jesus came,was the way Zacchaeus took that made a way that changed the way of life of Zacchaues......Have you known the way through which Christ comes....Let ur steps be in the right road thru which He comes and stays with you.
That day, he heard that Jesus had come to his own city.He wanted to meet him ...It was His desire,to meet him.Short man,hated by all...but that man had a soul as every one has to meet its creator..yes friend...that soul that makes you "you"..Its its desire...It cannot be satisfied by movies,friends,parents,money,honey....Allow your soul to meet its creator,as Zaccheaus wanted.he forgot who he was,everything else became null when that deep desire came in His mind.
He had some problems in meeting Jesus.He was short and also the crowd was too much.Yes,this is the problem man faces when wanting to meet the creator.We have a lot of doubts in front of us...questions like nothing else when we go to our creator.It just springs up from nowhere preventing us from meetin our creator...No Zaccheaus didnt succumb,he didnt give up..He ran ahead of Jesus...
He knew the way in which the master was goin to travel...Yes He took that road of faith,holiness.....thru which Jesus comes...He ran ahead and took steps to climb upon a sycamore tree.He didnt wait for His friends..family.He did it himself..Jesus didnt disappoint him..The Lord came that way...stopped rite beneath him and asked him o come down "with haste"!!
Once you meet Christ,things happen quickly!!Zacchaeus came down 'with haste" from the hatred he faced,from the loneliness he had,what a transformation,what joy in the SOUL!!never did zacchaeus experience such joy!!Money,fame nothing gave him that...ONLY JESUS COULD DO THAT
If ur desire is to meet Jesus,His desire is to stay with you.One night with Jesus Christ...changed his broken,lonely life..The life that longed for more fame,money...changed to the life that gives!!The way Jesus came,was the way Zacchaeus took that made a way that changed the way of life of Zacchaues......Have you known the way through which Christ comes....Let ur steps be in the right road thru which He comes and stays with you.
Monday, June 06, 2005
isaacs.. watch out!!
That day Isaac was woke up very early.Usually it was Sarah,His mom who used to wake him up,as it is in most families.No when he looked around he could see his mom sleeping(i guess..).His dad asked him to come out silently.Abraham dressed up his only son...all happened very quickly,saddled the donkey with the requirements they needed,maybe food,water and even some firewood ,as the way to MORIAH was long.Many a time we also feel the gentle pat of our heavenly father,at nights,early in the morning,..!!..he prepares us and takes us to the PLACE He has in mind...
They came to the place of Moriah and Abraham saw that mountain and showed it to Isaac and he also did something.He left the servants and the donkeys there..
See wat the scripture says"Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife.
Worship is the time where we leave out somethings we carry..and carry the LOAD the Father places on our BACKS(in our hearts!!) .
Isaac walked with his dad,the scripture says.."As the two of them went on together"not one step back..nor one step front..WORSHIP causes you to walk with your heavenly father togetherand carry the burden He places on you.
Are you carrying a burden which the father has placed on you and are you wondering ,Who will provide your need...JEhovah Jireh..
They reached the place,abraham built an altar,removed that wood,Isaac was carrying,tied Isaac and placed Him over the wood arranged properly!!Isaac didnt speak anything...He was not offended,He said in His heart "I want to be obedient to you dady..Burn me up with the burden I carried!!I am ready"..No,Isaac..you will not be burn with that..YOUR attitude is what matters.Read Rom 12:1-2..
A ram was placed over the burden Isaac carried and the sacrifice was OVER!!Let it burn,that burden imposed by your dad,that vision,that subject to pray about, placed in your heart...Let Christ be over that..BUT lets be faithful load bearers and May Christ take control !!YOU WILL NEVER BE BURNT UPON THE BURDENS YOU CARRY PLACED ON YOU HEART BY YOUR FATHER!!The burdens will burn with Christ over it and you would sing about HIS provision.JE HOVAH-JIREH!!
isaacs who carry the load laid by the FATHER..watch out "JEHOVAH-JIREH"!!
They came to the place of Moriah and Abraham saw that mountain and showed it to Isaac and he also did something.He left the servants and the donkeys there..
See wat the scripture says"Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife.
Worship is the time where we leave out somethings we carry..and carry the LOAD the Father places on our BACKS(in our hearts!!) .
Isaac walked with his dad,the scripture says.."As the two of them went on together"not one step back..nor one step front..WORSHIP causes you to walk with your heavenly father togetherand carry the burden He places on you.
Are you carrying a burden which the father has placed on you and are you wondering ,Who will provide your need...JEhovah Jireh..
They reached the place,abraham built an altar,removed that wood,Isaac was carrying,tied Isaac and placed Him over the wood arranged properly!!Isaac didnt speak anything...He was not offended,He said in His heart "I want to be obedient to you dady..Burn me up with the burden I carried!!I am ready"..No,Isaac..you will not be burn with that..YOUR attitude is what matters.Read Rom 12:1-2..
A ram was placed over the burden Isaac carried and the sacrifice was OVER!!Let it burn,that burden imposed by your dad,that vision,that subject to pray about, placed in your heart...Let Christ be over that..BUT lets be faithful load bearers and May Christ take control !!YOU WILL NEVER BE BURNT UPON THE BURDENS YOU CARRY PLACED ON YOU HEART BY YOUR FATHER!!The burdens will burn with Christ over it and you would sing about HIS provision.JE HOVAH-JIREH!!
isaacs who carry the load laid by the FATHER..watch out "JEHOVAH-JIREH"!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Paul and Silas were on their way to the PLACE OF PRAYER.Wow what moments those were.Getting up from their magnetic beds,passing through the ATTRACTIVE streets..What joy,but they had to struggle I feel as we all do to get to the PLACE OF PRAYER.Paul and Silas have gone many times through those streets,to buy vegetables or to see some friends,but ONLY when they went to the Place of prayer they confronted a slave girl,a witch,a fortune-teller possesed by the Spirit of divination.
She told the truth"These men are the servants of the Most High God...!!"nothing wrong in that statement.Paul and Silas ofcourse were servants of the Most high God
Yes, there is nothing wrong in seeing a movie,there is nothing wrong in watching news,there is nothing wrong in....yup every thing is right...but they meet you only when you make those steps to the Place of prayer~~.Friend,let there be nothing "right" if it comes between you and the place of prayer.Paul cast out the demon from the slave girl!!
Will u succumb to that slave girl ,on those streets, where you walk towards the place of prayer??
LET THAT SLAVE GIRL BE OUT OF THAT STREET!!let that happen now,this moment,use your authority and ask God for His grace ,his strength to reach that sacred place..that place where the Lord pats on your shoulder,carries your burden,wipes your tear..where much more happens than what happens around you!!
She told the truth"These men are the servants of the Most High God...!!"nothing wrong in that statement.Paul and Silas ofcourse were servants of the Most high God
Yes, there is nothing wrong in seeing a movie,there is nothing wrong in watching news,there is nothing wrong in....yup every thing is right...but they meet you only when you make those steps to the Place of prayer~~.Friend,let there be nothing "right" if it comes between you and the place of prayer.Paul cast out the demon from the slave girl!!
Will u succumb to that slave girl ,on those streets, where you walk towards the place of prayer??
LET THAT SLAVE GIRL BE OUT OF THAT STREET!!let that happen now,this moment,use your authority and ask God for His grace ,his strength to reach that sacred place..that place where the Lord pats on your shoulder,carries your burden,wipes your tear..where much more happens than what happens around you!!
Monday, May 23, 2005
I dont know whether you have heard of Mr Pain.The Bible also tells us only two verses about Mr Pain.His history is this...his mom bore him in pain like any other,the surprising fact is that the mom was very inclined to name him PAIN.If u hear his friends talking to him,one statement mite be"ey good morning Pain!!"While gossiping they mite say"there comes PAIN!!"..wat a life!!All around him he hears Pain!!
The holy scriptures does not stop there..Mr Pain decided one day to CALL on the name of YAHWEH(the God of Israel!!).HE didnt feel that God was around him while he was surrounded only by PAIN in every way,but in midst of that He, like we taking the phone and calling our friend,though not near us,lifted up His hands and voice and called on YAHWEH!!This is what he prayed
"Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain."..the verse goes on.."And God granted his request". The verse in 1chronicles 4..starts with one more truth!!
Jabez was more honorable than his brothers ...
I dont want to call Jabez(Mr.Pain) like that any more..but MR GAIN!!
are u surrounded by pain...ur pain can be a gain if u call NOW the name of JESUS CHRIST..Wow wat a powerful name..!!U mite not feel Him around you..but call on HIM!!
Call on Him...Let him change our PAIN to GAIN!!Don Moen sang...Wud u sing with him??Be MR GAIN!!
"I will sing,i will praise
even in my darkest hour thru the sorrow and the Pain
I will sing,I will praise
Lift my hands to honor you
Because your word is true
I will sing"
The holy scriptures does not stop there..Mr Pain decided one day to CALL on the name of YAHWEH(the God of Israel!!).HE didnt feel that God was around him while he was surrounded only by PAIN in every way,but in midst of that He, like we taking the phone and calling our friend,though not near us,lifted up His hands and voice and called on YAHWEH!!This is what he prayed
"Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain."..the verse goes on.."And God granted his request". The verse in 1chronicles 4..starts with one more truth!!
Jabez was more honorable than his brothers ...
I dont want to call Jabez(Mr.Pain) like that any more..but MR GAIN!!
are u surrounded by pain...ur pain can be a gain if u call NOW the name of JESUS CHRIST..Wow wat a powerful name..!!U mite not feel Him around you..but call on HIM!!
Call on Him...Let him change our PAIN to GAIN!!Don Moen sang...Wud u sing with him??Be MR GAIN!!
"I will sing,i will praise
even in my darkest hour thru the sorrow and the Pain
I will sing,I will praise
Lift my hands to honor you
Because your word is true
I will sing"
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Amram and Jochebed were so happy seeing the goodly child God gave them..They didn't even have time to name the child...The order in the land by Pharoah was to kill every male child..by drowning them in the River Nile..3months passed by..Jochebed couldn't contain it anymore..The neighbours may leak the news as their children must also have been a prey to pharoah's cruel order.The safest place she saw was Nile.If you look at Nile you can see many dead bodies of new born baby boys floating.Jochebed..she must have understood that.What else to do....She had tears just as every mama had!!
No one thing she did..
she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile.Nile is a safe place if the BABY is in that basket coated with tar and pitch.Dead bodies may be around..fear may grip,but the Baby will be safe in that basket Jochebed made..its that basket which the Pharaoh's daughter saw!!She must have seen many other babies..but the baby in the basket was special.
What is that issue the devil has targeted in your life..that goodly thing..Is it your education,or your job, your family,your finance..
Then come on be a jochebed,place that issue in that basket of prayers coated with the word of God and the blessed Spirit.GOD is faithful to bring up a MOSES in the very place the enemy issued an order to kill you..
"have we trials and temptations
is there trouble anywhere
we should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer"
No one thing she did..
she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile.Nile is a safe place if the BABY is in that basket coated with tar and pitch.Dead bodies may be around..fear may grip,but the Baby will be safe in that basket Jochebed made..its that basket which the Pharaoh's daughter saw!!She must have seen many other babies..but the baby in the basket was special.
What is that issue the devil has targeted in your life..that goodly thing..Is it your education,or your job, your family,your finance..
Then come on be a jochebed,place that issue in that basket of prayers coated with the word of God and the blessed Spirit.GOD is faithful to bring up a MOSES in the very place the enemy issued an order to kill you..
"have we trials and temptations
is there trouble anywhere
we should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer"
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Mary and Martha asked their best friend to come urgently to their house...they have heard the saying,i guess,"a friend in need is a friend indeed"..
people also didnt worry much as they all knew this "intimate" relationship the man called Jesus had with this family.They all knew the Jesus who healed people..who gave hope and happiness to many..Now Lazarus is in the death bed and they expected the Lord to come,place His hands over lazarus and heal him...No,the messenger who gave the news to Jesus came back the same day..
Jesus didnt turn up..All of them atleast thought Jesus would be the "chief guest" in the funeral..No He didn't turn up..After 4 days the bethany sisters heard that Jesus is coming..Martha ran with complaints and thoughts she had.."if you were here.."After some minutes Mary who sat at the Master's feet,ifeel,for the first time reached a consensus with her Sister and repeated"Lord If you were here"..
But Jesus wept..(the shortest verse,but reverberates in POWER)..They took him to the grave..he asked them to roll the stone and We read,JESUS cried with a LOUD VOICE.."Lazarus,come out"..
The More you wait..the louder Jesus will shout,the mightier will be the miracle,the more will be His glory..ASk Sarah,Peter...everyone..They will shout bac to you
What is that issue where you have told the Lord and waiting for long..??Understand its never too late for Him to reveal His glory in that issue.
people also didnt worry much as they all knew this "intimate" relationship the man called Jesus had with this family.They all knew the Jesus who healed people..who gave hope and happiness to many..Now Lazarus is in the death bed and they expected the Lord to come,place His hands over lazarus and heal him...No,the messenger who gave the news to Jesus came back the same day..
Jesus didnt turn up..All of them atleast thought Jesus would be the "chief guest" in the funeral..No He didn't turn up..After 4 days the bethany sisters heard that Jesus is coming..Martha ran with complaints and thoughts she had.."if you were here.."After some minutes Mary who sat at the Master's feet,ifeel,for the first time reached a consensus with her Sister and repeated"Lord If you were here"..
But Jesus wept..(the shortest verse,but reverberates in POWER)..They took him to the grave..he asked them to roll the stone and We read,JESUS cried with a LOUD VOICE.."Lazarus,come out"..
The More you wait..the louder Jesus will shout,the mightier will be the miracle,the more will be His glory..ASk Sarah,Peter...everyone..They will shout bac to you
What is that issue where you have told the Lord and waiting for long..??Understand its never too late for Him to reveal His glory in that issue.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
The music is heard!!
The first emperor of the World erected an image...When the music sounds..at a particular time all should bow down!!No one dared to disobey the Emperor.The prince of the World wants all of us to bow down to Him at the time He schedules.Well a simple question dont we keep postponding our spiritual activities for something else.
The Mega Serial at 9 preponds our prayer time to 8:30.The Cricket match on Sunday makes us to sit at home and watch.The friendship party spoils our decision to fast!!
Dont we hear the music of the Prince of the World(devil!!).
But if you dont take heed ..the enemy will throw you into the furnace and even heat it seven times...but more strongly the Lion of Judah will come to you,walk with you in the flames as the fourth man who was seen by King Nebuchadnezzar, whom he saw " likened unto the Son of God's".Are we among Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego who stand strong in the decisions we have taken..or are we among the millions who bow down to the Emperors Image??Listen the music is heard..what is your stand??
The Mega Serial at 9 preponds our prayer time to 8:30.The Cricket match on Sunday makes us to sit at home and watch.The friendship party spoils our decision to fast!!
Dont we hear the music of the Prince of the World(devil!!).
But if you dont take heed ..the enemy will throw you into the furnace and even heat it seven times...but more strongly the Lion of Judah will come to you,walk with you in the flames as the fourth man who was seen by King Nebuchadnezzar, whom he saw " likened unto the Son of God's".Are we among Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego who stand strong in the decisions we have taken..or are we among the millions who bow down to the Emperors Image??Listen the music is heard..what is your stand??
Friday, April 22, 2005
Well if you walked in SUSA that morning,you would have seen a person in sackclothes wailing and crying.But that journey of Him stopped inthe front of the gates of the King XERXES.Hadassah-the queen of India woke up that morning hearing this cry maybe!!She immdediately recognized that it was her uncle mordecai who brought her up though she was an orphan.She peeped through the window and saw Mordecai in SACKCLOTHES!!The queen immediately sent some clothes for her uncle..as we all do..We feel God will be happy seeing that we go for worship on Sundays,read the scriptures once in a while.No He is not impressed with what we do outside,but He is impressed with what we do INSIDE.Psalmist understood that and records in Psalm51
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 The sacrifices of God are [c] a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
Then later the Queen understands that She had to do something and due to her timely work and prayers,an entire race escaped!!DO u sense what GOD wants you to do??or do u try sending wrong pretentions??Do u recognize the NEED OF THE HOUR??
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 The sacrifices of God are [c] a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
Then later the Queen understands that She had to do something and due to her timely work and prayers,an entire race escaped!!DO u sense what GOD wants you to do??or do u try sending wrong pretentions??Do u recognize the NEED OF THE HOUR??
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Understanding rightly...
Well if you took a walk around the city of SUSA you must have seen a person in rags,crying and wailing.People say He is Mordecai a jew who would always be in the gates of the palace.Noone knows whats happening.Even the queen of India didnt understand as she was the adopted child of Mordecai.Her name was Hadassah.She felt so ashamed of Mordecai who brought her up,as this morning he is wailing and that too without clothes!!The queen sent clothes with her servants to ask Mordecai to clothe it.Mordecai had clothes but that was not the reason why He was wailing.He knew something the queen didnt know..He knew what the enemy called HAMAN was upto.
"If u remain silent at this time....."(Esther 4)
Well if you took a walk around the city of SUSA you must have seen a person in rags,crying and wailing.People say He is Mordecai a jew who would always be in the gates of the palace.Noone knows whats happening.Even the queen of India didnt understand as she was the adopted child of Mordecai.Her name was Hadassah.She felt so ashamed of Mordecai who brought her up,as this morning he is wailing and that too without clothes!!The queen sent clothes with her servants to ask Mordecai to clothe it.Mordecai had clothes but that was not the reason why He was wailing.He knew something the queen didnt know..He knew what the enemy called HAMAN was upto.
"If u remain silent at this time....."(Esther 4)
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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