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Friday, November 30, 2007


Yesterday we had a session or ergonomics, which was about all health related problems to IT sector people. The doctor was telling simple steps like a brisk morning walk,jogging,improving the posture,exercises.I ,along with most of them present there must have undoubtedly heard this from our parents, friends etc.But when the doctor says, the extent of practicing the same goes to a HIT. Today I looked at many of them who attended yesterday’s meeting. they  were all  doing something what was said like the “neck rotation”, sitting properly, standing for a while. The truth what I wanted to make here is we implement or believe something depending on the source of information. When a doctor tells us to do something,we blindly do it because we know He is specialized in that, Now the word of God is living, it contains many promises, warnings and everything needed to live the right way. We often neglect those and believe the circumstances and situations. God who is specialized in our life says” Do not worry” but we cant help but to worry. God says “wait on me and put on strength” while we are in a hurry. He promises healing ,health and great future. The word of God says also mentions many “DO NOT’s” while we end up “doing” most. Believe and live God’s word. believe the source and live it. GOD Is “YOU” Specialist;-))

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans not to harm you but to give you and hope and a future”(Jer 29:11)


Have a Great Weekend!!!!!








Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ashes-From UnexPected Places @ Unexpected Times



Jacob was all alone as he slept in Luz because the sun had set.Lonely,fearful,anxious like many of us. He was a runaway kid. he had to do so to escape from his brother,Esau.He had just one good thing here, the father’s blessing. He slept on one of the stones there. He dreamt like never before,He saw the God of His fathers in the dream and a ladder that had angels descending and ascending. From the top the Lord spoke..many promises. The Lord said one more thing”I will not leave you until I fulfill all what I spoke to you”. Child of God remember, He is committed to fulfill what He has promised you.! He who called you is faithful,he will do it. The point I want to make here is God shows up in the place where you do not expect Him to be.jacob woke from his sleep and said “Truly this place is awesome”>he renamed Luz to bethel.


Moses was completely out of place. He was skilled in Egyptian warfare and had many “talents” and now He is grazing sheep of his father in law in Midian.Like Jacob, completely “out of place” He even named his son “Gershom” meaning” iam a stranger in an alien land”. He “accidentally” came to the mountain of God. He saw a great sight n the most unexpected place.He suddenly was standing on “HOLY GROUND”. Dear friend,God shows up when you give up. He will never forsake you. He knows you. He calls you by name as He called from the burning bush”Moses,Moses”.He has a great plan for you. Do u think you are in a place where you don’t like to be ??”out of place”He is going to show up soon and give you a new direction and guidance.!!


Elijah was sleeping all alone,dejected.He came till the wilderness, trying to hide away from Jezebel. He could not manage then.he slept,but God of Israel who never sleeps nor slumbers watched over him. The angel came and woke him up and gave him food to eat and strengthen him.Elijah never expected God to show up there,soon He was experiencing Fire, earthquake and wind ,but God was not there.A still small voice,he had to be silent so much,wait so much.But God showed up,the still small voice gave Him a ministry of anointing.!!


Look at the crooked hills of calvary,it was a “thankless, ruthless” mankind.Noone would dare to save the planet, but God wouldn’t leave it .He showed up himself to the world on that manger.He exposed His love as He died on that cross.Still He shows up to you in your grief, in your struggles,in your weakness,in your loneliness,in your tears! Expect Him to show Himself in the unexpected way in the unexpected place!!


“to the old rugged cross,I will ever be true

Its shame and reproach gladly bear

Then He’ll call me someday to my home far away

Where His glory forever I’ll share”





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Thursday, November 22, 2007


Psalm 57:2 I will cry out to God,Most High,to God who performs all things for me


Thought 1:This Psalm begins with the verse where the Psalmist wants hide under the Shadow of God’s wings, from all the calamities that was around Him. He picturizes Himself to be like a small chicken that runs to its Mother, to rest under her shadow from the cruel beasts seeking to devour. In verse 2,He goes on to do one more thing, He will cry OUT TO GOD! He is not ashamed of telling that. When all is hopeless, in midst of so many calamities, Psalmist says HE WILL CRY OUT TO GOD. The Psalmist also understands that His God is Most High. May I hear a hallelujah. He says God is MOST HIGH. let not this revelation depart from us.He is the MOST HIGH. Higher than your managers, your friends, your rulers,your enemies, your diseases, your woes, your struggles.He is seated on a HIGH AND EXALTED THRONE. Yes our God is Most High. Will you cry out to Him in midst of your calamity???


Thought 2:He also understands, that He is a God who is MOST HIGH yet so approachable, so near that God performs all things for us. Absolutely all things.In your work place, Its His presence that works FOR YOU. Its He who protects you.Its He who opens new ways for you. He performs all things for you.He maintains the universe and also your body such that all body organs perform well. He is all for you. Paul later gets this and says” IF GOD BE FOR US WHO CAN BE AGAINST US”. He also says”I can do all things thorugh Christ who strengthens me”.Child of God, God performs all things for you.Will you take off that element of “leaning on ur own understanding”? Will you allow Him to work..yes He is for you and He will perform all things for you.



1)When is the last time that you felt the Lord as MOST HIGH??

2)What was your response to that??




1)In your workplace,in midst of calamities,do what the Psalmist did,Cry out to HIM……

2)Allow Him to perform ALL THINGS FOR YOU!!Do not TEACH HIM what to do..Humbly walk in His way.





Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ashes-Capsule(phil 2.5)

Phil 2.5:Let this mind be in you ,which was also in Christ Jesus


Thought 1:Our minds are created once,but the beauty is it can be renewed.Our minds are where heated discussions and arguments occur.Mind is the stage where thoughts wage a war.The whisperings of the devil,the communion of the Spirit all occurs here and what succeeds in our mind becomes our act.

Here Apostle Paul admonishes from the Prison to the church in Phillipi,Have the mind OF CHRIST in you.Trade it.Exchange it.Get that mind.


Thought 2:The good news is, what Mind Christ had can be yours.That mind that had compassion on the multitudes,that healed the sick,that fed the hungry,that humbleness that made Him to stoop down from the throne of heavens to the old rugged cross thinking of you and me.This can be yours.many a time we don’t take time to take THAT MIND that was in Christ Jesus.IF WE HAVE THAT MIND,WE WONT MIND DOING ANYTHING.This mind made Christ of being of no reputation.REPUTATION ,is the most soughted word now.Taking the form of BONDSERVANT.,born to serve.We have only leaders these days,no servants. Humbled Himself…we like others telling about our luxury..have we ever taken an “effort to be humble”.?Became obedient even unto the death unto the cross.




1)what is the mind we possess??Is it the mind to go to any humble ourselves,the extent to obey Him??


2)How do you respond to the SUCCESS Mantras of the world??Will you trade your comforts for the blessing of others??Some time of sleep to pray for others,some holiday to tell about the gospel of Christ??



1)Write down your likings in your heart,compare it with the “MIND OF CHRIST”Refuse any thing that comes against that


2)See Rom 12:1-2..sumbit your minds to be renewed as you offer your bodies as a living sacrifice


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