Psalm 51:11:Do not cast me away from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me
Thought 1:David after an adulterous act does his confession in this psalm. The guilt was heavy. He was so longing for the presence of God. The first part of this prayerful verse says “DO NOT CAST ME AWAY FROM YOUR PRESENCE”. His presence is so important in our lives. For understanding the power of this prayer we need to first recognize the importance of His presence. The great awesome presence of God transformed Jacob in Bethel, the powerful presence of God broke Moses in the burning bush experience. His presence made the difference. They could then approach God because of their “first encounters”. Christ came into this world to open a new and living way to the presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD!!
Thought 2:David also senses the need of the Holy Spirit in his filthy flesh. Flesh and Spirit are contrary to one another. Flesh is from beneath, Spirit is from above. Once flesh controls your soul, your thoughts will be earthly, the unholy passions become your dreams. You live in the flesh, your destiny is Hell. David understood the need for the Holy Spirit in his life and cried. The Holy Spirit can empower the sinful flesh to a destiny to heaven. Once the Holy Spirit controls our soul, we long for things upward. Many a time we see the dominance of “flesh” inside us, thus the Lord said to the weak disciples. Tarry in Jerusalem till you are clothed with power from ABOVE.O How we need the Spirit of God in all fullness. Thus Paul says.”DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT”??
1)Are you away from His presence??Do you feel His closeness in your Spirit??
2)Are you avoiding the gentle whisper of the Holy Ghost and living under the shout of your flesh??
1)enter the presence of God.Draw near to Him and He promises to draw near to you.Enter through the new and loving way Christ opened in His flesh!!Approach the royal throne by the power of the blood of Jesus
2)Embrace the power of the Spirit in your lives.Allow the Holy Spirit to control your flesh.Open up to Him.Throw away the garbage.Sing songs of surrender like 1)Just as I am without one plea 2)Create in me a clean heart with all dedication.
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