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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Lord of losses and lifelessness

 God in His mercy gave us opportunity to step into a new month.Not because there were lack of accidents or lack of diseases,it’s the sheer mercy of God that we are alive.many a time we encounter losses and it really deprives our joy,peace and happiness.In the bible we see some instances where the knowledge about the location of losses enables God to do great things.Let me reind you He is Lord over all your circustances.Let me point out some.



1)2Kings 6.

6 The man of God asked, "Where did it fall?" When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. 7 "Lift it out," he said. Then the man reached out his hand and took it.


The prophets wanted to have an enlarged area to camp. The place they were in were congested and they wanted an expansion. Child of God are you in a congested environment, do you long for an enlargement of borders…???God can do that for you, you just need to understand and call on His name. He is a God who will enlarge your borders(1 Chro 4.10).Now they went cutting down the trees and alas!!the “borrowed” axe head fell into Jordan.The iron because of its weight, sunk down. Many a time we have losses. Losses lead to tensed situations and its at these times that we need the guidance of the master!!!Elisha asked the man “Where did it fall”…Child of God” where did the relation fail you”. where did you finance, health fall..???Show Him the place.. He cut a stick, which represents the cross. The cross can bring up lost relationships, it can bring up lost health. The power of the cross transcends all understanding. Let God do a great work in you, by the power of His cross.Just show Him the place.Let Him work through the cross




2)John 11

34"Where have you laid him?"


Lazarus was the friend of Jesus,now the world was sending remarks,Jesus healed the sick but bever responded to His friend.When you give up hope,Jesus never gives up.He keeps knocking at your door,show me the place where you have buried your hope,where you have given up.Show it to Him.He is faithful to bring back your “lazarus’s” back to life..Just take Him to that place.Dont give up hope on God.Hope in God.Abraham hoped against hope and He was called the friend of God.The Lord Jesus will never ever fail you..Hope in Him..Let not your hope be cut off in lifeless situations!!He is able


3)John 20

15"Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"
      Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him


This passage is very familiar to all of us,Mary Magdalene running early in the morning to the tomb of Jesus,she was searching for Jesus.Now when we take God to our places of losses and lifelessness,we should take time to look for Jesus and His presence in our everyday lives.Mary was asking unknowingly to Jesus”Where have you put Him”


Child of God,the question to you from the Spirit of God is”Where have you put Him”???What is His place in your life….Have an earnest check.Where is the Lord Jesus in your life


When you face Losses,lifeless situations look for Jesus,Hope in Him.This month am prompted specially to pray for all who have some financial,relational losses…Lets pray together in one accord


Father in heaven,we love you so much and give thee our praise,thanks for giving us a personal relationship with thee.Lord God I specially pray for all who are facing financial losses.restore what they have lost because they are hoping in thee,hoping against hope for a great breakthrough.We ask thee without even a spot of doubt in faith..Some of us have lost relationships..lifeless situations,where we gave up hope.Father breathe life into those lifeless situations..Heal and restore…bless and use thy children,Thy coming is so near..Help us to run the race with zeal and passion.We pray for all whom we ought to pray for.Help us to obey thy commands and live a life pleasing to thy name.


We give thee glory,honor and praise


This we pray humbly unitedly in jesus’s mighty name,knowing that thou has heard and answered our prayers



Have an exciting month ahead filled with the Master walking with you !!!




Thanks and With Best Regards

Ashley Benjamin

Infosys Technologies,




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.

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