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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ashes-Say Thy Word and Save our World!!

The wedding house at Cana was so attractive from outside,guests were pouring in,and  as they were coming in the wine was going out and noone seemed to care abt the situation in the house.They had invited Jesus and His disciples for the wedding and His mother also was there.Fear set in there was a panic all around,people were asking for wine but the wine was over.Mary came and told Jesus because she knew who Jesus was and also knew that if Jesus was told something,He will do something about it.Sher went and asked the people in the store," WHATEVER HE SAYS  TO YOU DO IT".
A centurion met Christ on the way and asked Him to heal His Servant.Christ said" I will come and Heal Him".The centurion full of faith said a  "LOrd,AM unworthy to have you under my house,Say a Word and my servant shall be healed".Prayer of faith acknowledges Him as Lord,it also expresses our unworthiness in His presence ,but RELIES ON THE POWER OF HIS WORD.The centurion like Mary understood that His word can do great things,it can travel upto any distance,it  accomplishes the purpose for which it is sent.Let me add one more thing,even the angels are so keen on hearing and obeying His word.When God sents a word unto us,I also imagine a host of unseen angels being sent to fulfil His word regarding us.Hallelujah!!
Jesus and His disciples faced a tempest at the Sea and when the disciples saw the master sleeping,they got afraid.They woke Him up and cried"lord we are perishing".Jesus woke from the sleep and asked them "where is your faith"??He spoke"peace,be still"And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.The disciples then said to one another"Who can this be,that even the wind and sea obey Him!!".His word changed their world!!!!
Child of God,Lets pray O GOD SAYTHY WORD AND Save OUR WORLD!!!

Thanks and With Best Regards,

Ashley Benjamin,

Infosys Technologies,




Ashes-Speak thy word and Change our World!!

The wedding house at Cana was so attractive from outside,guests were pouring in,and  as they were coming in the wine was going out and noone seemed to care abt the situation in the house.They had invited Jesus and His disciples for the wedding and His mother also was there.Fear set in there was a panic all around,people were asking for wine but the wine was over.Mary came and told Jesus because she knew who Jesus was and also knew that if Jesus was told something,He will do something about it.Sher went and asked the people in the store," WHATEVER HE SAYS  TO YOU DO IT".
A centurion met Christ on the way and asked Him to heal His Servant.Christ said" I will come and Heal Him".The centurion full of faith said a  "LOrd,AM unworthy to have you under my house,Say a Word and my servant shall be healed".Prayer of faith acknowledges Him as Lord,it also expresses our unworthiness in His presence ,but RELIES ON THE POWER OF HIS WORD.The centurion like Mary understood that His word can do great things,it can travel upto any distance,it  accomplishes the purpose for which it is sent.Let me add one more thing,even the angels are so keen on hearing and obeying His word.When God sents a word unto us,I also imagine a host of unseen angels being sent to fulfil His word regarding us.Hallelujah!!
Jesus and His disciples faced a tempest at the Sea and when the disciples saw the master sleeping,they got afraid.They woke Him up and cried"lord we are perishing".Jesus woke from the sleep and asked them "where is your faith"??He spoke"peace,be still"And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.The disciples then said to one another"Who can this be,that even the wind and sea obey Him!!".His word changed their world!!!!
Thanks and With Best Regards,

Ashley Benjamin,

Infosys Technologies,




Friday, September 21, 2007


Psalm 48:14:For this is God,our God forever and ever;He will be our guide even unto death
Thought 1:What a verse is this!!A verse that expresses an eternal relationship.He will be our GOD forever and ever.We need God who can control things beyond our control.From our inner lives to the outer galaxy we need GOD.A God who can cleanse us from sin,heal our diseases,give us peace,joy and happiness.We need a God who has control over the earth we live,the sun rise,sunset,rains at due time,protector from calamities.Imagine what is God to you.Child of God ,He never shirks from His responsibility.HE IS OUR GOD,FOREVER and EVER.He never changes.He is God.hallelujah.
Thought 2:This God not only is God,but our guide.He is so interested in each step we take.He guides us.He speaks to us.His word guides us.We read in Psalm 32:8.He will guide us with His eye on us.Dear Reader,If He is your God,He will guide you.Have you made Him God of your life.Have you entered into an eternal relationship with Him??This eternal relationship will prove to be very vital in our day to day life.Invite Him into your heart.Give Him room.Dont worry about what situation you are in right now.HE IS YOUR GOD-the one responsible for your birth,responsible to guide you,responsible to lead you to eternity.
1)What experiences do you have with GOD??
2)Have you ever cherished that eternal relationship??or are you iterested in temporal relationships that you forget the eternal relationship??
1)Write down your experiences with God in a diary.This will encourage you later and be a blessing
2)DO your maximum this weekend and henceforth in cherishing the relationship with your God.Talk to Him,walk with Him.Read His word.May He guide you

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Psalm 84:5:Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee,in whose hearts are highways to zion
Thought 1:We live in a world that robs our strength.We long for strength to move on in this world.God does not want us to be weak and dejected all the time.He wishes His people to use Him as their energy source,from where they derive their strength.AM thankful that the Bible does not say"blessed is the man who has strength,power"..It says when we are dependent on God for everything,we are blessed.He does not want us to live independent of Him.He wants us to be dependent on Him.The Bible says.."The eyes of the Lord run to and fro the whole earth to show HIMSELF strong on behalf of them whose hearts are blameless towards HIM"
Thought 2:For us to derive strength from God,we need to have a way within our heart that reaches heavens.The first time we ask God and receieve mercy,I imagine a road being opened from your heart to His throne.The  times you pray,the road becomes more bigger...Its not a struggle.When faced with weakness,lets take that HIGHWAY of faith from our heart to heavens,lets not again be in that narrow struggling road of doubt in our heart.Child of God,are u facing a critical moment,is anxiety and worry draining ur energy.Search in your heart,look that road which was built when you prayed the first time and He answered you.Its a wide road,you will reach the destination.Get your strength.Move forward in Life
1)Do you think that God wants you to live independent without Him??
2)When you are weak,what do you normally do??Do u have that way of prayer in your heart or have you closed that path??
Is that way a HIGHWAY??
1)Maintain a diary that records your prayers and the ways He answered you
2)Draw strength from Him by attending fellowships,feeding His word and meditating and praising Him.You are blessed



Thanks and With Best Regards,

Ashley Benjamin,

Infosys Technologies,




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