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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ashes-Capsule(Matt 5:5)

Matthew 5:5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth


Thought 1:The Lord continuing His beautitudes goes on with whom the Heavens consider Blessed.Here the Lord describes the condition inward.Meekness!!In this present world of competition and “survival of fittest”,the word of God says Blessed are the meek.Those who are meek are considered weak,but its essentially a character that exhibits your “maturity”.

Meekness is exhibited when you are silent,still when oppositions rise against you.Deep inside your heart you know, injustice is prevailing but you face that with a calmness in your heart and confidence in the Lord.Only Confidence in God can make you meek. Lets not speak too much, lets be listeners. Deal every situation with confidence. Christ in the world described his condition as meek.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls(mat 11).

Take time to learn of Christ,the great meekness he showed in sacrificing heavens chosing to be obedient even unto the death on a cross, Take time to learn of Him, how He dealt His adversaries with the statement”father forgive them”.



Thought 2:The Bible clearly says, those who are meek are blessed and they will inherit the earth.Its not by power you inherit.Its the power inside your heart that enables you to inherit all that God has for you.Inheritence,think about that.

The earth and its fullness belongs to God.You inherit the earth,the place you work,the place you stay,when you have meekness,because God’s hand of blessing is on you.



1)Have you cultivated the attitude of being meek?

2)what is your attitude when people speak ill of you and despise you




1)Learn from the life of Christ on what is meekness

2)The Bible says in Numbers 12:3 Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. Learn this chapter fully, see the secrets on WHY GOD chose Moses.Cultivate the habit of meekness and be blessed.


May God bless you




Thursday, May 15, 2008

ashes-God of your low times

Elijah makes a sudden entry into the Bible. He stands before the cruel king of Israel,Ahab and using His authority declares that there would be no rain for 3and half years in Israel. He was bold. See Elijah alone in mount carmel bringing down fire that proved to all who gathered that Yahweh is God. Very shortly we see the same Elijah experiencing a “Spiritual Low”. He was intimidated by evil Jezebel. He could not carry on further. He left His servant and came and took shelter under a broom tree. Elijah who lifted God in Mount Carmel was not put down by God in the wilderness .His angel provided the food of strong men.
Jacob at Peniel,fearful of the next day. Guilty in facing his brother,sent all what he had ahead of himself. Standing all alone in the stillness of night. God who appeared to Jacob did not put Him down. Jacob wrestled with God in Peniel.Persisted in asking for a blessing. Spiritual lows are linked to physical situations, but God who called you, revealed Himself to you will never ever fail you .God of Bethel is the God of Peniel. In Bethel it was a vision, but in Peniel it was direct encounter.
See our blessed Lord overwhelmed in the Soul.He says to the inner circle.”My soul is sorrowful unto death watch and pray with me” .He requests the father, to take away the cup from him .In one moment because of the Spiritual low,the prince of glory forgot the whole purpose for which He came into the earth. The burden of drinking the cup.
Heavens did not forsake Him there. The angel of God appeared to Him and strengthened Him.
Child of God,called by His name….sent to earth for a purpose. do not give up, He is the God of your lowtimes too.
Are u facing a low time.Fearful,intimidated,anxious?God is by your side. Get upbeat for the journey is long for you;-))

Friday, May 09, 2008

ashes-capsule(matt 5:4)


Matthew 5:4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.


Thought 1:The second of the beautitudes,our Lord says something very strange. Blessed are those who mourn.How did He relate Blessing and weeping?CAN WE EVER IMAGINE how blessing and weeping will go together,when most of the modern day preachers promise”bed of roses” as a sign for blessing?Now mourning comes from earth,where as comfort comes from Heaven.The comfort from heaven exceeds and is so satisfying compared to the hurts in the world and because of the Heavenly comfort we receive,the Lord says we are blessed.Are you burdened by hurts and worries.Open your heart to heaven and believe me,you will be comforted and that will bring a smile back to your face


Thought 2:Now situations that we face has necessarily a doorway to receive Heavenly comfort.St paul adds this in 2 cor 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

Comfort comes from God and we need to open up.Remember when Hagar cried,God opened a way,when Israelites moarned in their slavery God raised up Moses,When Hannah cried,God raised Samuel.God values your tears and those are precious seeds to receive heavenly comfort and also a supernatural blessing.



1)What is your response when something that hurts happen to you?Do you cry in front of God’s presence or do you grumble or complain


2)Have you ever realized that God values your tears?



1)When hurt or disturbed take time to sit at his feet,receive His comfort,take control over the situation.

2)Take time to comfort others who are encountering the same situation you are facing.His comfort is for you to comfort others.Understand you are blessed because  God values your tears.






Thursday, May 08, 2008

October-Getting Back YOUR SELF

Dearest in Lord,

Greetings in His precious name.God's grace enabled us to see another month and now we are into the tenth month of 2007.A path we have not gone before,new challenges demand new grace.I do not know what circumstance you are in now but by His word may I Speak peace and blessings on you.May He open new doors,may He show Himself mighty on your behalf.Remember the battle is the Lords!!


The parable of the "prodigal son " is known by all of us.We see a young lad asking for his inheritence from His father and travelling to a distant country.He ends up losing every possession he had.We read a narrative of what happened in luke 15:11-32

We read in v17,"when he came to Himself........................"CHild of God many a time we lose a sight of who we are and thats the cause of all worries and problems we face.Losing sight of who we are and who our Father is opens up our mind to the devil so that he can play with it.When He came to himselfhe realized 3 things




v17 says "How many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare,and I perish with hunger".Knowledge of who our father is and the abundance has gives us room for no worry.Child of God ,We have a father who is the treasure of knowledge and wisdom.He is the giver of all good.He is our good shepherd,He feeds the small sparrows.He is mindful of you.So when you are "out of yourself",make a comeback ,see the abundance in your father's house.He will supply all our needs'We have a father who knows what we need before we ask Him or before even the need arises,He ordains the supply





This son did what He thought.He said"I will arise and go to my father,and will say to Him,"Father I have sinned against heaven and before you".v(20)"And he arose and came to His father,But when he was still a great way off,his father saw Him and had compassion."As the son was on His way back home,he did not encounter a closed door.I imagine from the time he left home,there was a father who started waiting for His son."Though the son forgot who who he was,the father never forgot His child.Dear reader,this son perceived the heart beat of His father.We read the father had compassion,not a revengeful heart,but a compassionate one.When you also come to yourself and make your way to the prayer room and call Him Father,He comes where you are with a heart of compassion.Do you perceive the beat of your father's heart>???




He also experienced a different reception.the father ran towards him, and flunged his hands to him and emrbrassed and Kissed Him.He asked His servants to clothe His son with best best robe,wear the ring on his finger,and sandals on his feet.One moment tired by the world,next moment experiencing the comfort in His father's hands.CHild of God,are you weary living in the wilderness,carrying a load of burden??Are you weak and heavy laden"COme back to your self,think about the abundance in your father's house,see the beauty of his heart and expereince the comfort from His hands.


May He hold you now,that victorious hand,the nail pierced hand let it hold you tight so that you will be engulfed in divine love.Hallelujah..take some time..COME BACK TO YOUR SELF..VICTORY IS YOURS!!!!


lets pray


Precious father,we thank thee and praise thee for who thou art.We know that we have abundance in your house and we will enjoy the beauty of your heart and experience the comfort from thy hands.dearest Lord,unknown paths we tread this month,unknown moments we have to face,please give us strength and grace.ANyone is sick,heal them .anyone discpuraged weary,let them come back to their "SELF" and know the blessings we have in thee,We give ourselves into thy hands.Open new doors and paths.Fulfil thy promise in our lives.Prepare us to meet thee.We pray for our parents,bless them with long life.our brothers,sisters,realtions,friends,We pray for this nation,that it would be shaken by the power of the GOSPEL.We love thee and give thee our praise

We know thou hast heard our prayers and answered it because thou hast heard it when we ask in jesus's precious name







Thanks and With Best Regards,

Ashley Benjamin,

Infosys Technologies,




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Friday, May 02, 2008

Ashes: May-Have your way in me,every moment am awake


Dear all,

”Every breath that I take,every moment am awake,Lord have your way in me”.We often sing without knowing the meaning;-)This month I am prompted to write about




1)Realize your time

Understanding that OUR TIMES are in His hands.

Psalm 31:15..Our times are in thy hands.

Psalm 139:16:All days ordained for me were written in your book


Child of God,every moment we get is a gift from God and we need to use it for Him.He wanted us to live in this moment and here we are.your days are ordained by God.The Psalmist says”This is the day that the Lord has made,lets rejoice and be glad”.

We have the right to rejoice because it’s the Lord who makes the day!!We need to realize that God has kept us alive at this moment of time for a specific purpose and we need to realize and act.

Mordecai says to esther

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"



2)Control your time

Overcoming the enemy’s control over your time

King Solomon says in Proverbs 5:9

lest you give your best strength to others and your years to one who is cruel
The evil one wants to steal your time,by bringing in anxious thoughts,fear inside and hopelessness.We need to discern that and pray like how our Lord asked us to pray

“lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one”…

Our Lord said”Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness”.

St Paul says”DO not be anxious about anything”The Lord does not want any of us to live in fear or bondage.Lets make it a point to filter our thoughts and give no room for the devil.Lets not behave as ungodly,but lets put on Christ always.



3)REDEEM YOUR TIME(eph 5:16)

Redeeming your time….for the days are evil.

We need to use our time,make use of every opportunity,If needed by paying the price;-))

Let me tell somethings that the bible asks us to do

1)Bless the Lord at all times(ps 34:1)

2)Trust the Lord at all times(Ps 62:8)

3)Pray at all times(Luke 18:1)

4)Rejoice at all times(phil 4.4)


Now I rely on the Spirit of God that He may take control of you and enable the seed of His word to grow in your hearts.Lets not give our time to the evil one.Every moment we are awake..”Lord have your way in me”.Let that be our prayer,our hearts cry….


Father we pray for your divine guidance to use our times properly.We do not want to give even a moment to the cruel devil.Father,lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one because you are strong,when we are weak.Help us to sing those lines very truly.Every moment am awake Lord have your way in me!!If at all any one reading this is sick,discouraged,weary,Lord send thy word and heal them.Bless us this month.This we pray in Jesus;s mighty name



Have a blessed month!!



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