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Monday, June 13, 2005

The Way of the little lonely MAN!!

..he was the chief of taxcollectors,very rich person.He was hated by almost all people as he used to collect heavy taxes,but as every man at one or the other time feel.....HE was lonely!!Remember God doesnt want you to be lonely.It was the first issue that God dealt with regard to Adam.Right,about this man we are talking about,he was also short in size!!

That day, he heard that Jesus had come to his own city.He wanted to meet him ...It was His desire,to meet him.Short man,hated by all...but that man had a soul as every one has to meet its creator..yes friend...that soul that makes you "you"..Its its desire...It cannot be satisfied by movies,friends,parents,money,honey....Allow your soul to meet its creator,as Zaccheaus wanted.he forgot who he was,everything else became null when that deep desire came in His mind.

He had some problems in meeting Jesus.He was short and also the crowd was too much.Yes,this is the problem man faces when wanting to meet the creator.We have a lot of doubts in front of us...questions like nothing else when we go to our creator.It just springs up from nowhere preventing us from meetin our creator...No Zaccheaus didnt succumb,he didnt give up..He ran ahead of Jesus...

He knew the way in which the master was goin to travel...Yes He took that road of faith,holiness.....thru which Jesus comes...He ran ahead and took steps to climb upon a sycamore tree.He didnt wait for His did it himself..Jesus didnt disappoint him..The Lord came that way...stopped rite beneath him and asked him o come down "with haste"!!
Once you meet Christ,things happen quickly!!Zacchaeus came down 'with haste" from the hatred he faced,from the loneliness he had,what a transformation,what joy in the SOUL!!never did zacchaeus experience such joy!!Money,fame nothing gave him that...ONLY JESUS COULD DO THAT
If ur desire is to meet Jesus,His desire is to stay with you.One night with Jesus Christ...changed his broken,lonely life..The life that longed for more fame,money...changed to the life that gives!!The way Jesus came,was the way Zacchaeus took that made a way that changed the way of life of Zacchaues......Have you known the way through which Christ comes....Let ur steps be in the right road thru which He comes and stays with you.

1 comment:

Finney said...

Ash, that was really nice. The one about each person's desire - that God shaped vacuum.

Write more dude. I've been sending your blogspot details to many of my frnds, relatives etc. Call it advertisement if you will, but then, thats the way it is ;-)

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