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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

walking to Him

WalkinG TO Him-------------------------------------

Peter and the disciples were so worn off because of the winds that were againstthem..The boat was beaten by the waters..Waters were rising and as this was journey compelledby the master they must have been more perplexed..It was the fourth watch of the night ..Noone will be there to help them.Child of God..Winds may be against you but when He is on your side..we shud not be afraid..Nothing can b against you.Yes If God is for us who can be against us..??God is on my side..what can man do to me??

Now in that fearful night ..abt the fourth watch..The initiator of this journey came to them,walking on those waters.Listen,if the Lord initiates something He is faithful to complete,its His Duty..But always let the Lord initiate.The disciples now could not recognize Him..They thought "it was a ghost"..When the Master draws closer always we tend to doubt.We dont doubt our friend,we dont doubt the presence of our relative but when he draws near..we put it as our emotions, we always doubt His presence..If it is Him.He will first say"DO NOT FEAR"...Fear has no room in His powerful presence..Suddenly the unpredictable Peter experienced faith springing up from His fearful soul..O God..This is what His presence does..Fear makes way to faith..right now i feel it aropund me and i know you will expereince the same now..Let fears go in Christ's name..

Peter said"Lord if it is you.."ask me to come to you"This is what i was touched..If we saw Christ that time..our question would have been.."If it is you,why did you let this happen??"Why did you leave us all alone??Why did you come so it goes on..But peter said"Lord I want to walk through this troubled waters and reach you"I want to walk..If you are facing a similar situation like this,why dont you ask the Lord now to empower you to walk through those troubles to reach Him and Him alone...??

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