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Wednesday, May 09, 2007


The Anointing of David
1 Samuel 16
Let me share with you some thoughts………………


Samuel was disappointed about how the first King of Israel fared.He was so sad.That was the time when God asked Samuel to go to the household of Jesse.The new King was to be anointed there….Let me tell you an important truth..God has appointed us with gifts ,talents and resources.But how do we fare??What to do we do with those??Is God happy with us??
This portion clearly tells that GOD HAS ALTERNATE OPTIONS!!

Jesus said”I tell you that if these should keep silent,the stones will immediately cry out”(mark 19.40) Esther was warned by mordecai”if you remain silent at this time,God will deliver His people from another source,but you and your household will perish”…..Remember GOD HAS ALTERNATE OPTIONS IF YOU FAIL take your talents and gifts seriously.Trade it………..MAY GOD USE YOU in the Plan He has for you


In this portion we read that God anoints a person based on the “inner condition”..
6 When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, "Surely the LORD's anointed stands here before the LORD."
7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
The anointing fell on DAVID not because of any other reason,just because He guarded His you feel dry,do you think that God is impressed by your external…please check up…… not fool yourself..Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows issues of Life…

SO the process that started from David’s heart moved to David’s head when Samuel poured that oil from the horn!!Notice this is the same way God anoints a person..From heavens He sends His Spirit and pours it on the HEAD…O Child of the anointing resting on your head..???I sincerely pray that God will release a mighty outpour on His Spirit on your head seeing your heart!!!

13 So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power. Samuel then went to Ramah.

The anointing then was reflected in the HARP of David……….many singers were there..but noone was effective when that evil Spirit came on to Saul.Child of God…..David,Joseph,Daniel,Esther,Ruth all were used by God ……….in a tremendous manner………The Lord blessed their skills to deliver KINGS AND KINGDOMS………….

I sincerely pray that The HEART you have and the Head we possess and the Harps we use will reflect the anointing of the almighty…….You got the power……..Claim your flame now in the name of Jesus!!!!!

Please pray with me

Precious Lord,Thanks you for new insights of thy word.I Thank thee for thy children who took time to read thy Holy Word..See our us to maintain it pure..use us Lord….let the anointing rest on our heads… that it will flow to the harps we use…… that it will deliver individuals,families,Kings and Kingdoms………
We honor thee and bow down before thee.Thank you for being a prayer answering God..I pray specially for those who feel dejected depressed in their life..Let them understand that it’s the time for a deeper anointing….a deeper cleansing ..a deeper
Walk with the precious Lord..many are suffering from evil thoughts in their heads..they feel disturbed and pained in their head…right now father as thy servant I pray for deliverance and outpour of thy sweet spirit onto their heads and all their thought cells……….Be free in Jesus name..our heads should be the place of anointing!!!!!!!!!!where it rests rather than being stronghold of ego,jealousy and pride and harmful thought put in by the evil devil..amen Blessed be thy name!!
We love thee and give thee all praise..for we know our prayers are answered when we ask in the precious and powerful name of Jesus Christ our Lord!!

Amen and amen

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