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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April-New "Spiritual financial" year;-)

A new financial year has dawned and corporates and individuals are finalizing new plans for the

same. We should also be on constant check of our Spiritual situation which is so much important.

May i share some insights on this.




We all make financial investments that will fetch a higher value after a particular span of time.

We first make sure of which plan we join and what returns it gives.

Child of God, the Lord desires your heart. That’s the greatest investment you can make in your life.

Returns are guaranteed in on a day to day basis with an eternal point of view

When your heart is His, your life becomes meaningful.

Sowing in the Spirit is Important and Jesus rightly said “Where your treasures are there your heart will be".


Have you got treasures in Heaven??Is your heart fixed on heavens where your treasure adds up

when you proclaim the gospel, be insulted for His name's sake.

Many of us have a wrong notion, that Heaven is a bank...Kingdom of God essentially is based on love

Whatever you do in love will be rewarded. Whatever done in an evil, selfish motive will bring disaster.


May our hearts be opened to the Almighty God. May our hearts be driven by a passion for Him.

As we in Love, sow seed in the ministry, the church where we belong and the fellowships we attend

The poor and needy amongst us, be assured of heavenly returns. YES MAKE A PLAN of using your tithes,

make a plan for monetary investments and prayer and whole hearted labor in to where the Lord leads you.


2)The Systematic Savings plan


Its from our savings that we invest. The bible in proverbs quotes from the tiny creatures the ants,

they gather food in favorable time and they store for the season where they cannot work.

Children of God, the daily mercies and grace we receive should be stored. The promises, the seeds of new vision

and dreams should not be written of, but in Habakkuk we read, WRITE THE VISION.

When God is near, sit at His feet like Mary. Martha was distracted by the multitude of activities.

The church today sadly represents a SAD,ANXIOUS,WORRIED Martha. We are so full of activities that

we forget to sit at His blessed feet. Remember what the Lord said “Mary has chosen the right portion

and this shall not be taken away from her. Times of reading and feeding on  the blessed word, fasting and praying is never in vain.

It all adds to your savings.



3)Reduce the EXPENSES


Reduction of unwanted expenses should be taken care off.Spiritually speaking,we should be aware not to

give our times to the hands of the devil.Many a time the devil steals our joy by sowing in doubts,worries,

fears.Lets not give in to the devil.The Bible clearly says"DO not give the devil a foothold".

"resist the devil(and His tricks) and he will flee from you.

maintain sanctity in relationships and lifestyle.God is a God of grace and He is calling us this month to

draw close to Him.Do His work and proclaim His word.Have an attitude of worship that surrenders our life

to do His blessed will.



4)Invite the audit of the Holy Ghost


The Spirit shall guide us unto all truth. He will give us strength. may we ask Him to fill us and lead us

He is the best auditer.Like psalmist cried lets pray “Search me and know my heart. see if there is anything wicked in meand lead me in the path everlasting"



Pray that prayer sincerely this month. May the Lord prosper all of us spiritually and when

that happens I believe "all the other things (which are needed for us) will be added unto us.


Have a beautiful rewarding APRIL






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