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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Fire needs a combustible material to spread on. If there are elements that are not combustible, it will prevent fire from going through.
Let me put this clear...For the Holy Spirit fire to catch and grip you, you need to have a combustible material in your heart and that's nothing but the word of God.
The Holy Spirit cannot and will not take control without your heart having the word of God.
I have wondered why are the Christians still holding on to this World and not giving time to His word. If at all we miss out on a day to day basis is to read and meditate His word. By meditation I mean allowing the work of the Holy Spirit on the word.
DO you have the your passion still hot for God..Is your heart filled with His word...

If so, expect the Holy Ghost to set you on fire and enable you to be His ambassador in this world.

God bless

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