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Tuesday, August 08, 2006


FOundation of a relationship
.wow trust we have learn together various aspects regarding this..Let me come to an important
TRust this discourse will bless all of us..

Many of us start relationships based on FEELINGS or EMOTIONs.Sudden feeling..

When feelings or emotions become the foundation of our relationships..IT WONT LAST;-)


The Bible is a book of the best love story!!
Man sinned..He said in His actions he didnt want God..BUT GOD loved the world You and me While we were unlovable..

Thats love...When everything is good and lovely..we say we "love" a person(Attractivity) ..Thats not love..thats emotion..
Do we get attracted to a person who is ugly...wanted by no one...??i see many eyebrows raised;-)
When we think of them …when we do something even for them.THATS LOVE...The highest form f love..
Thats what heavens did..Christ loved us and gave His life..while we were ugly..THATS LOVE!!!!

Let me go thru 1 corinthians chapter 13..
There are several characteristics of LOVE mentioned here
Patience we wait on our friend..we wont give up on one another,,
God is so patient to wait for His creation to belive Him , to start a relationship with Him..ELSE WE ALL WOULD HAVE BEEN CONSUMED BY NOW..
Wow that is love...God is so patient with us because HE IS LOVE

lOVE IS KIND...The acts we help one another..IT i so kind...God diplayed His kindness to us...Are we kind to one another in our relationships??

LOVE DOES NOT ENVY..No never thinks bad abt others...If we love one another we wont envy others as they become blessed...

LOVE DOES NOT BOAST....O God..if we do some good to anyone we love to tell it with a loud speaker..

I DID THIS TO HIM...Love doesnt boast...
LOVE IS NOT PROUD..A proud person cant love,...Humbleness always generates love

LOVE IS NOT RUDE---It does not beahve in an unsocial manner...VIOLENCE we see evrywhere..killing and figthing..No bodies can stop the wars and the rude nature of man..except God's love.

LOVE IS not self-seeking---We expect many thing from our relationships..Relationship based on LOVE DOES NOT EXPECT ANYTHING...hard to digest rite???LOVE GIVES,GIVE S and GIVES...
Never expects/...CHRIST GAVE HIMSELF FOR US>>He didnt sign a contract with mankind and die on that cross...He didn’t
THATS love!!
LOVE IS NOT EASILY ANGERED--we live in world that makes us angry so easily..its very easy to get provoked..a person filled with love IS NOT ANGERED easily..
LOVE KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS..Search our hearts..we have many hurts caused by relationships..BUT LOVE ERASES ALL THAT..Perfect love covers the multitude of Sins

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth---It rejoices with cant bear evil...tpo make it in common terms..we see a media that GLORIFIES VIOLENCE and EVIL>.LOVE DOESNT DELIGHT IN EVIL….these days “love” rejoices in premarital sex which is rejoices in UNHOLY relatioships which is EVIL…compromises on the vital spiritual values that can cost eternity…

LOVE ALWAYS PROTECTS...Gods proetction in our lives match no comparison..we also need to protect one another
LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS...Trust is the backbone of every relationship based on love...
Trusting one another..not believing in circumstances and gossips....

LOVE ALWAYS HOPES...It is not always hopes

LOVE NEVER never fails...Gods love for you it never fails..

Even in the church of the living God we find so many Hi talented people..Great men and women of God who are gifted by prophecy and tongues..
ITS SO RARE SO SO RARE to find people of God with this Gift called LOVE>...

What can we do??so can make a difference if you become a carrier of divine love..You can set an example in your relationships based on this fragile world of relationships

The Holy Ghost can aid you

Rom 5:5
because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

May the blessed Lord fill you with His love as you read this...Let me stop..Let the Holy Ghost continue to work...

May our relationships be based on LOVE AND NOT ON feelings!!!

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